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The hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean region and implications for the water budget of the Mediterranean sea, Mariotti, Annarita, Struglia Maria Vittoria, Zeng Ning, and Lau K.-M. , Journal of Climate, Volume 15, Number 13, p.1674 – 1690, (2002)
I rock glacier tardo-pleistocenici ed oloceni dell'appennino -età, distribuzione, significato paleoclimatico, Giraudi, C. , Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 15, Number 1, p.45-52, (2002)
Ice dynamics features and climatic surface parameters in East Antarctica from Terra Nova Bay to Talos Dome and Dome C: ITASE Italian traverses, Frezzotti, M, and Flora O. , Terra Antarctica, Volume 9, Number 1, p.47-54, (2002)
Identification and quantification of individual volatile organic compounds in a binary mixture by SAW multisensor array and pattern recognition analysis, Penza, Michele, Cassano Gennaro, and Tortorella F. , Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 13, Number 6, p.846-858, (2002)
Identification of zygotic and nucellar seedlings in Citrus interploid crosses by means of isozymes, flow cytometry and ISSR-PCR, Tusa, N., Abbate L., Ferrante S., Lucretti Sergio, and Scarano M.-T. , Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 2002///, Volume 7, p.703 - 708, (2002)
Immobkilisation of engineered molecules on electrodes and optical surfaces, Maly, J., Illiano E., Sabato M., De Francesco M., Pinto V., Masci A., Masci D., Masojidek J., Sugiura M., Franconi Rosella, et al. , Materials Science and Engineering C, Volume 22, Number 2, p.257-261, (2002)
IMPACT OF NEEM EXTRACTS ON DAMALINIA LIMBATA DENSITIES OF ANGORA GOATS, Van der Esch, Andrew, Carnevali Fiorella, Mariani Susanna, and D’Andrea Armando , WORLD NEEM CONFERENCE ¿NOVEMBER 2002 MUMBAI (INDIA), 2002, (2002)
On the importance of spectral responsivity of Robertson-Berger-type ultraviolet radiometers for long-term observations, Di Sarra, Alcide, Disterhoft P., and DeLuis J.J. , Photochemistry and Photobiology, Volume 76, Number 1, p.64-72, (2002)
In situ laser recrystallization of Si layers during low-pressure chemical vapor deposition: Recrystallization dynamics and influence of the seed layer, Della Sala, Dario, Santoni A., Fornarini L., Lancok J., Loreti S., Menicucci I., and Minarini Carla , Journal of Materials Research, Volume 17, Number 11, p.2966-2973, (2002)
In surface segregation during growth of (In,Ga)N/GaN multiple quantum wells by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy, Waltereit, P., Brandt O., Ploog K.H., Tagliente M.A., and Tapfer Leander , Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 66, Number 16, p.1653221-1653226, (2002)
Influence of a low background radiation environment on biochemical and biological responses in V79 cells, Satta, L., Antonelli Francesca, Belli M., Sapora O., Simone G., Sorrentino E., Tabocchini M.A., Amicarelli F., Ara C., Cerù M.P., et al. , Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, Volume 41, Number 3, p.217-224, (2002)
Influence of standing-wave electric field pattern on the laser damage resistance of HfO2 thin films, Protopapa, Maria Lucia, Alvisi Marco, de Tomasi F., Di Giulio M., Perrone M.R., and Scaglione S. , Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Part A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, Volume 20, Number 3, p.643-650, (2002)
The influence of the organic aerosol component on CCN supersaturation spectra for different aerosol types, Mircea, Mihaela, Facchini M.C., Decesari S., Fuzzi S., and Charlson R.J. , Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, Volume 54, Number 1, p.74-81, (2002)
Inhibition of both skin and lung tumorigenesis by Car-R mouse-derived cancer modifier loci, Saran, Anna, Zaffaroni D., Pazzaglia Simonetta, Peissel B., Galbiati F., Spinola M., Manenti G., Zanesi N., Rebessi S., Mancuso Mariateresa, et al. , International Journal of Cancer, Volume 97, Number 5, p.580-583, (2002)
An integrated forecast system over the Mediterranean basin: Extreme surge prediction in the northern Adriatic Sea, Bargagli, A., Carillo Adriana, Pisacane Giovanna, Ruti P.M., Struglia Maria Vittoria, and Tartaglione N. , Monthly Weather Review, Volume 130, Number 5, p.1317-1332, (2002)
Investigation of new types of lithium-ion battery materials, Scrosati, B., Panero S., Reale P., Satolli D., and Aihara Y. , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 105, Number 2, Ulm, p.161-168, (2002)
Investigation of the ionic conduction mechanism of composite poly(ethyleneoxide) PEO-based polymer gel electrolytes including nano-size SiO2, Aihara, Y., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, Scrosati B., and Hayamizu K. , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 4, Number 14, p.3443-3447, (2002)
An investigation of thermohaline circulation in Terra Nova Bay polynya, Buffoni, G., Cappelletti Andrea, and Picco P. , Antarctic Science, Volume 14, Number 1, p.83-92, (2002)
Ion assistance effects on electron beam deposited MgF2 films, Alvisi, Marco, de Tomasi F., A. Patria Della, Di Giulio M., Masetti E., Perrone M.R., Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Tepore A. , Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Part A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, Volume 20, Number 3, p.714-720, (2002)
ISSR-PCR technique: A useful method for characterizing new allotetraploid somatic hybrids of mandarin, Scarano, M.-T., Abbate L., Ferrante S., Lucretti Sergio, and Tusa N. , Plant Cell Reports, 2002///, Volume 20, p.1162 - 1166, (2002)
Karyological and flow cytometric evidence of triploid specimens in Bufo viridis (Amphibia Anura), Cavallo, D., de VITA R., Eleuteri Patrizia, Borkin L., Ermechenko V., Odierna G., and Balletto E. , European Journal of Histochemistry, Volume 46, Number 2, p.159-164, (2002)
L’approccio territorialista all’Innovazione, Cervi, MM, Ancora Giorgio, Galeffi Patrizia, and Cantale Cristina , AgriCulture, Volume 4, p.13-17, (2002)
La posible aportación de los modelos fenológicos en el biocontrol del piojo rojo de California en los huertos de cítricos, Carboni, Maria Antonietta, Baldacchino Ferdinando, and Arpaia Salvatore , Phytoma España: La revista profesional de sanidad vegetal, Number 144, p.200–201, (2002)
Laser irradiation effects on the resistance of SmS films, de Tomasi, F., Perrone M.R., Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Leo G. , Thin Solid Films, Volume 413, Number 1-2, p.171-176, (2002)
Laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition of thick poly-Si layers for solar cells, Della Sala, Dario, Loreti S., Fornarini L., Menicucci I., Santoni A., P. Veneri Delli, Minarini Carla, Privato C., and Lancock J. , Thin Solid Films, Volume 403-404, Strasbourg, p.302-306, (2002)