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Divisione Economia Circolare publications

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Economia Circolare attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Totale
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 30 29 23 24 25 23 30 32 23 37 2 278
Atti di Congresso 2 1 3 3 6 5 1 2 23
Capitolo di Monografia 1 1 2
Miscellanea 4 3 1 1 1 2 12
Presentazione a Congresso 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 10
Monografia 1 1 4 1 1 5 13
Tesi 1 1
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 5 4 1 10
Brevetto 1 1 2
Report 2 1 4 7
Web Article 1 1
Totale 39 30 38 35 32 36 38 37 33 39 2 359
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Zucaro, A., & Agostinho F. (2025).  Urban sustainability: challenges and opportunities for resilient and resource-efficient cities. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities. 7,
Love, D.C., Brown M., Viglia S., Asche F., Fry J., Garlock T.M., et al. (2025).  Environmental impacts and food loss and waste in the U.S. aquatic food system. Global Environmental Change. 90,
Mancini, G., Lombardi L., Luciano A., Bolzonella D., Viotti P., & Fino D. (2024).  A reduction in global impacts through a waste-wastewater-energy nexus: A life cycle assessment. Energy. 289, 130020.
Cerchier, P., Miserocchi F., Pezzato L., Federzoni L., Protopapa M L., Taurisano N., et al. (2024).  PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS RECYCLING TO CREATE SILICON VALUE CHAIN: PARSIVAL PROJECT. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 23, 2041-2050.
Picarelli, A., Beltrani T., De Marco E., La Monica M., Mancuso E., Sbaffoni S., et al. (2024).  CIRCULAR ECONOMY INITIATIVES IN THE MARCHE REGION: IMPLEMENTING OF INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS WITHIN THE MARLIC PROJECT AND MAPPING REGIONAL SKILLS AND GOVERNANCE. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 23(10), 2111 - 2123.
De Marco, E., Mancuso E., & Sbaffoni S. (2024).  Environmental Technology Verification (ETV): a tool to demonstrate the innovativeness of technological solutions for circular transition. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 23(10), 2051 - 2060.
Fantin, V., Sbaffoni S., Rinaldi C., De Marco E., Porta P L., & Cutaia L. (2024).  Methodology and information and communication technologies tool to measure and communicate product circularity. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 23(10), 2071 - 2083.
De Marco, E., Fantin V., Cutaia L., & Chiavetta C. (2024).  Environmental assessment of Glass Fiber Rehinforced Polymer (GFRP) valorization processes from the decommissioning of wind turbines. Detritus. 29(29), 63 - 73.
Matarazzo, A., Costanzo M. Riccardo, Beltrani T., Ingenito S., Zarbà C., & Scuderi A. (2024).  MEASURING THE STATE OF ADVANCEMENT OF CIRCULAR ECONOMY GOOD PRACTICES IN AGRI-FOOD SECTOR. Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and Management. 11, 559 – 564.
Cutaia, L., La Monica M., Mancuso E., Beltrani T., Luciano A., Porta P L., et al. (2024).  How ENEA is Facilitating the Transition to a Circular Economy in Italy Through Industrial Symbiosis. (F., C., F.C. M., L. M., & M.J. P. Mantiñán, Ed.).Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 1185 LNNS, 31 – 40.
Agostinho, F., De Kock I., Giannetti B.F., Almeida C.M.V.B., & Zucaro A. (2024).  Editorial: Cleaner production and circular economy as boosters for sustainable cities. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities. 6,
Pierro, N., Giocoli A., Giuliano A., Barisano D., Nanna F., & Cirillo D. (2024).  ASSESSMENT OF RECOVERABLE BIOMASS POTENTIAL FOR A STAND-ALONE SMALL SCALE GASIFICATION PLANT. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. 70 – 75.
Cedrone, G., Bracciale M. Paola, Cafiero L. M., Langone M., Mattioli D., Scarsella M., et al. (2024).  Optimization of Pyrolysis Parameters by Design of Experiment for the Production of Biochar from Sewage Sludge. Environments - MDPI. 11,
Protopapa, M L., Ansanelli G., Pietrantonio M., & Tammaro M. (2024).  RESEARCH ACTIVITY ON PV WASTE RECYCLING IN ENEA. Detritus. 28, 121-128.
Tucci, F., Baiani S., Altamura P., Antonini M., & Cutaia L. (2024).  Circularity assessment in buildings and built environment: An integrated multiscale framework. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 1402,
Burresi, E., & Protopapa M L. (2024).  Optical investigation of degradation of graphene oxide in alkaline environment: Evidence of two distinct photon-emitting phases in visible region.. Carbon Trends. 17,
Mehner, E., Fantin V., Pizzichini D., & Vaccari M. (2024).  Decentralised by-product valorisation in the dairy value chain: An opportunity for sustainable intensification. Journal of Cleaner Production. 478, 143958.
Liu, G., Huo Z., Wan H., Zucaro A., Fiorentino G., Lu Y., et al. (2024).  Evaluation of carbon sink and photovoltaic system carbon reduction along roadside space. Journal of Cleaner Production. 477,
Innella, C., Barberio G., Brunori C., Cappellaro F., Ceddia A R., Civita R., et al. (2024).  Experimenting urban living lab methodology on circular economy co-design activities in some Italian urban territories. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities. 6,
Ambaye, T.G., Formicola F., Sbaffoni S., Lima A.T.M., Franzetti A., & Vaccari M. (2024).  Environmental and economic performance of chemical and biological processes for treating petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil: An experimental study. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 12,
Sytchkova, A., Protopapa M L., Olivero P., Shen Z., & Wang Y. (2024).  On the Representativeness of Proton Radiation Resistance Tests on Optical Coatings for Interplanetary Missions. Coatings. 14,
Fioriti, V., Cataldo A., Colucci A., Ormando C., Saitta F., Palumbo D., et al. (2024).  Innovative graph-based video processing methodology for collapse early warning of historic masonry building. Acta IMEKO. 13,
Fiorentino, G., Zucaro A., Cerbone A., Giocoli A., Motola V., Rinaldi C., et al. (2024).  The Contribution of Biogas to the Electricity Supply Chain: An Italian Life Cycle Assessment Database. Energies. 17,
Innella, C., Ansanelli G., Barberio G., Brunori C., Cappellaro F., Civita R., et al. (2024).  A methodological framework for the implementation of urban living lab on circular economy co-design activities. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities. 6,
Zucaro, A., Ansanelli G., Cerbone A., Picarelli A., Rinaldi C., Beltrani T., et al. (2024).  Life Cycle Assessment of Electricity Production from Different Biomass Sources in Italy. Energies. 17,
Laera, A M., Cassano G., Burresi E., Protopapa M L., & Penza M. (2024).  Graphene Oxide-Based Flexible Sensors for Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds at Room Temperature. Proceedings. Proceedings 2024, 97, 204.
Gurreri, L., Rindina M. Calanni, Luciano A., Falqui L., Fino D., & Mancini G. (2024).  Microalgae production in an industrial-scale photobioreactors plant: A comprehensive Life Cycle assessment. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy. 39, 101598.
Ventura, V., La Monica M., Bortolini M., Cutaia L., & Mora C. (2024).  Blockchain and industrial symbiosis: a preliminary two-step framework to green circular supply chains. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.
Mattioli, D., Sabia G., Petta L., Altobelli M., Evangelisti M., & Maglionico M. (2024).  A Modeling Analysis of Wastewater Heat Recovery Effects on Wastewater Treatment Plant Nitrification. Water (Switzerland). 16,
Bacchetta, L., Canditelli M., Platamone G., Procacci S., Di Palma P.R., Maccioni O., et al. (2024).  Use of cactus pear pruning waste to improve soil properties and to produce high-quality compost. Organic Agriculture.
Caroscio, L., De Pascale B., Tataranni P., Chiavetta C., Lantieri C., & Bonoli A. (2024).  Preliminary study on the application of waste bivalve shells as biofiller for the production of asphalt concrete. Cleaner Engineering and Technology. 20,
Spirio, A., Arrigo R., Frache A., Tuccinardi L., & Tuffi R. (2024).  Plastic waste recycling in additive manufacturing: Recovery of polypropylene from WEEE for the production of 3D printing filaments. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 12,
Sytchkova, A., Protopapa M L., Kolev H., Burresi E., Olivero P., Dunatov T., et al. (2024).  Impact of proton irradiation on photoluminescent properties of C-doped ZrO2 films prepared by ALD. Vacuum. 224, 113083.
Lanzetta, A., Mattioli D., Di Capua F., Minieri V., Papirio S., & Esposito G. (2024).  Modeling complete and shortcut simultaneous nitrification and denitrification coupled to phosphorus removal in moving bed biofilm reactors. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 59,
Meisterl, K., Sastre S., Puig-Ventosa I., Chifari R., L. Sánchez M., Chochois L., et al. (2024).  Circular Bioeconomy in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona: Policy Recommendations to Optimize Biowaste Management. Sustainability (Switzerland). 16,
Langone, M., Ferrentino R., Mertz W., Mattioli D., Petta L., & Andreottola G. (2024).  Microbial community composition from full-scale reactors treating mature landfill leachate through innovative biological processes and its importance in mathematical modeling. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 204,
Stefano, L. Santo, Cafiero L. M., De Angelis D., Pavoni S., Tuffi R., & Scarsella M. (2024).  Thermal pyrolysis of a real plastic sample from small WEEE and characterization of the produced oil in view of fuel or feedstock uses. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. 48,
Scrucca, F., Barberio G., Cutaia L., & Rinaldi C. (2024).  Woodchips from Forest Residues as a Sustainable and Circular Biofuel for Electricity Production: Evidence from an Environmental Life Cycle Assessment. Energies. 17,
Pelagalli, V., Matassa S., Race M., Langone M., Papirio S., Lens P. N. L., et al. (2024).  Syngas-driven sewage sludge conversion to microbial protein through H2S- and CO-tolerant hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria. Water Research. 248,
Viglia, S., & Ulgiati S. (2023).  Emergy accounting. Elgar Encyclopedia of Ecological Economics. 162-168.
Innella, C., Pentassuglia R., Dimatteo S., & Sciubba L. (2023).  URBAN CIRCULARITY THROUGH A MULTISTAKEHOLDER APPROACH IN THE FRAMEWORK OF CULTURE AND CREATIVITY. Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and Management. 10, 307 – 311.
Innella, C., Jorizzo M., Pentassuglia R., & Tronci C. (2023).  CIRCULAR CITIES: SCHOOLS AS A DRIVER FOR THE GREEN TRANSITION PROCESS. Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and Management. 10, 301 – 305.
Fioriti, V., Cataldo A., Colucci A., Ormando C., Saitta F., Palumbo D., et al. (2023).  Processing of shaking table test data of a historic masonry structure by graph-based methods. IMEKO TC4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2023. 514-519.
Ansanelli, G., Fiorentino G., Chifari R., Meisterl K., Leccisi E., & Zucaro A. (2023).  Sustainability Assessment of Coffee Silverskin Waste Management in the Metropolitan City of Naples (Italy): A Life Cycle Perspective. Sustainability (Switzerland). 15,
Viotti, P., Luciano A., Mancini G., & Tatti F. (2023).  Lab Investigation Using a Box Model and Image Analysis of a Contaminant Back-Diffusion Process from Low-Permeability Layers. Sustainability (Switzerland). 15,
Pietrantonio, M., Pucciarmati S., Forte F., Piergrossi V., Marcoaldi C., & Fontana D. (2023).  Vanadium Recovery from Bayer Process Liquor Residue. JOM.
Laera, A M., Cassano G., Burresi E., Protopapa M L., & Penza M. (2023).  Graphene oxide-based flexible sensors for detection of volatile organic compounds at room temperature. Eurosensors XXXIV.
Laera, A M., Cassano G., Burresi E., Protopapa M L., & Penza M. (2023).  A Graphene Oxide Flexible Sensor for Humidity Detection. CSAC 2023 - The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry. Eng. Proc. 2023, 48(1), 44,