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Impact of h2s on molten carbonate fuel cell fed with biogas effect of ceriaand zirconiaaddition to Ni-Cr traditional anode,
, EFC 2011 - Proceedings of the 4th European Fuel Cell Piero Lunghi Conference and Exhibition, p.101-102, (2011)
An impedimetric glucose biosensor based on overoxidized polypyrrole thin film,
, Electroanalysis, Volume 23, Number 5, p.1134-1141, (2011)
In vivo repair of DNA damage induced by X-rays in the early stages of mouse fertilization, and the influence of maternal PARP1 ablation,
, Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 714, Number 1-2, p.44-52, (2011)
Incidente Nucleare a FUKUSHIMA: i rischi per la sicurezza alimentare.,
, Livelli massimi ammissibili di radioattività per i prodotti alimentari e gli alimenti per animali. Meccanismi di contaminazione della catena alimentare, (2011)
Incidenti nucleari. I rischi per gli alimenti e gli strumenti di difesa,
, Alimenti&Bevande, 04/2011, p.18-24, (2011)
Indagine geostatistica sulla distribuzione spaziale delle ooteche di Dociostaurus maroccanus,
, XXIII Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia, p.202, (2011)
Indicatori gassosi per la qualità dei prodotti ortofrutticoli in post-raccolta,
, Italus Hortus, 04/2011, Volume 18(2), p.9-20, (2011)
Influenza vaccines: new perspectives from plants,
, Plant-derived Vaccines: Technologies & Applications, p.104-115, (2011)
, MEB Conference, Monitoring European Biodiversity (the role and importance of amphipod crustaceans), 09/2011, Palermo, Orto Botanico, (2011)
Inhibition of self-aggregation in ionic liquid electrolytes for high-energy electrochemical devices,
, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Volume 115, Number 39, p.19431-19436, (2011)
Innovative non-animal testing strategies for reproductive toxicology: The contribution of Italian partners within the EU project ReProTect,
, Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Volume 47, Number 4, p.429-444, (2011)
An integrated geochemical and mineralogical approach for the evaluation of arsenic mobility in mining soils,
, Journal of Soils and Sediments, Volume 11, Number 1, p.37-52, (2011)
Inter-dependency assessment in the ICT-PS network: The MIA project results,
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 6712 LNCS, Athens, p.1-12, (2011)
An international project to confirm soviet-era results on immunological and teratological effects of RF field exposure in wistar rats and comments on Grigoriev et al. [2010],
, Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 32, Number 4, p.325-330, (2011)
Interpretation of records from temporary and permanent instrumentation to identify the dynamic response of a historical building to seismic actions,
, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference - COMPDYN 2011: 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: An IACM Special Interest Conference, Programme, (2011)
, Il Progetto DINAMO per la Biodiversità del Molise (D.1.S - D.2.S - D.3.S), Rome, p.80, (2011)
Investigation of XBT and XCTD biases in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal with implications for climate studies,
, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 28, Number 2, p.266-286, (2011)
Investigation of ZnO nanoparticles' ecotoxicological effects towards different soil organisms,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 18, Number 5, p.756-763, (2011)
The Italian Coasts: A Natural Laboratory for the Quality Evaluation of Beach Replenishments,
, Journal of Coastal Research, Volume 61, Number 61, p.1–7, (2011)
The June 2007 Saharan dust event in the central Mediterranean: Observations and radiative effects in marine, urban, and sub-urban environments,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 45, Number 30, p.5385-5393, (2011)
Kinetics of γ-H2AX induction and removal in bone marrow and testicular cells of mice after X-ray irradiation,
, Mutagenesis, Volume 26, Number 4, p.563-572, (2011)
La misura come base culturale essenziale per lo sviluppo di un Paese: l’esperienza ENEA e UNIDO.,
, VII Congresso “Metrologia & Qualità” - 13-15 Aprile 2011, Torino, (2011)
La sfida dei cambiamenti climatici,
La società del supermercato,
, (2011)
La valutazione dell’incertezza nelle misure basate su biosensori: il caso dell’utilizzo dei microarray di proteine.,
, VII Congresso “Metrologia & Qualità” - 13-15 Aprile 2011, Torino, (2011)