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Effects of UV irradiation on the fluorescence spectroscopic properties of the Antarctic fungus Arthrobotrys ferox

TitleEffects of UV irradiation on the fluorescence spectroscopic properties of the Antarctic fungus Arthrobotrys ferox
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsArcangeli, Caterina, Zucconi L., Onofri S., and Cannistraro S.
JournalPhysica Medica
Keywordsarticle, fluorescence spectroscopy, fungus, Ultraviolet radiation

The optical fluorescence properties of an Antarctic fungus have been investigated in order to evaluate its potential use as bioindicator of the ultraviolet irradiation stress occurring as a consequence of the ozone layer depletion. The spore suspensions show three main fluorescence bands, with maxima around 345, 430 and 510 nm, undergoing to substantial changes after UV-B and UV-C irradiation. The contribution of both the electron-proton transferring molecules in the respiratory chain and the carotenoids to the fluorescence emission is discussed.


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Citation KeyArcangeli1996119