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Levels of pesticide residues in food: Evaluation of data from total diet studies in italy

TitleLevels of pesticide residues in food: Evaluation of data from total diet studies in italy
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsLeoni, V., Rodolico S., Vitali M., Chiavarini Salvatore, and Morabito Roberto
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry

Total Diet Studies on pesticide residues in foods carried out in Italy in the last two decades are briefly summarized and data are discussed. Health risk assessment is expressed by the ratio total intake/AD! (%ADI ingested) for each compound and by the sum of the Dercentans of ADI for each compound within the same class of Pesticides. The total dietary intake of chlorinated pesticides, that was almost 100 % of ADI in the years 1970–74, decreased down to 10% in the period 1978–84. This trend was confirmed for DDT in recent years, while data on Lindane and Heptachlor seem to be constant. As regards the organophosphorus pesticides the sum of the percentages of ADI ingested for each compound, extrapolated from recent data (1990–1991) is about 20% and can be regarded as reasonably acceptable because the study included practically all the mainly used compounds. Only few data are available for some pesticides like dithiocarbamates, especially EBDCs and their derivatives (e.g. ETU), other carbamates (e.g. aldicarb), paraquat etc. Moreover, analytical methods for these compounds should be improved. The need for a considerable improvement in the number and organization of monitoring structures, in the use of standardized analytical procedures, in good laboratory practice standards and in the realibility of “monitoring protocols” and their homogeneity is evidenced. © 1995, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved.


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Citation KeyLeoni1995411