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Production and characterization of new triploid seedless progenies for mandarin improvement

TitleProduction and characterization of new triploid seedless progenies for mandarin improvement
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsS. Del Bosco, Fatta, Siragusa M., Abbate L., Lucretti Sergio, and Tusa N.
JournalScientia Horticulturae
Pagination258 - 262
Date Published2007///
KeywordsCitrus reticulata, Flow cytometry, Marker-assisted selection, PCR-ISSR, Triploidy

Eighty-six triploid Citrus plants were recovered from interploid crosses between a natural tetraploid selection of the tangerine ’Dancy’ (Citrus reticulata Blanco, cultigroup ’Tangerine’), used as the pollen parent, and two seedy selections of diploid mandarins (C. reticulata Blanco) as well as one clementine (Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.): ’Fortune’ mandarin, ’Wilking’ mandarin and ’Monreal’ clementine. Flow cytometric analysis was used for screening the triploid plantlets and the ISSR-PCR technique was used to characterize the obtained triploids through a double approach, confirming the hybrid nature of the offspring and allowing the analysis of the genetic pool obtained. Selection among triploid genotypes generated from elite seedy parents will give us a better chance to obtain superior mandarin cultivars characterized by true seedlessness. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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