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State of the art on Neuropterida of Sicily and Malta

TitleState of the art on Neuropterida of Sicily and Malta
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsAldini, Rinaldo Nicoli, Letardi Agostino, and Pantaleoni Roberto A.
JournalBiodiversity Journal
Start Page445
KeywordsBiogeography, Faunistics, Megaloptera, Neuroptera, Raphidioptera

Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island, is surrounded by many small islands (Aeolian Islands, Ustica, Aegadian Islands, Pantelleria, Linosa, Lampedusa, Maltese Islands), some of which forming archipelagoes. The authors, after a historical sketch of the research on Neuropterida in Sicily (sensu lato), analyze the biodiversity of the area, highlighting the species richness and providing an up-to-date check-list. The lack of knowledge on some of the most paradigmatic communities of Neuropterida is discussed in relation to their various habitats. The distributional patterns of Sicilian Neuropterida are interpreted in order to obtain a biogeographical characterization of the area. It is confirmed that the location of Sicily and its surrounding islands forms a bridge between north and south and a door from the W Mediterranean region to the oriental Mediterranean basin.

Citation Key3929