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Isolation of biocrust cyanobacteria and evaluation of Cu, Pb, and Zn immobilisation potential for soil restoration and sustainable agriculture

TitleIsolation of biocrust cyanobacteria and evaluation of Cu, Pb, and Zn immobilisation potential for soil restoration and sustainable agriculture
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsPagli, C., Chamizo S., Migliore Giada, Rugnini L., De Giudici G., Braglia R., Canini A., and Cantón Y.
JournalScience of the Total Environment
KeywordsActinobacteria, article, bacterium isolation, Bacteroidetes, Biomass, Bioremediation, Biotechnology, Contaminated soils, contamination, controlled study, Copper, cyanobacterium, DNA extraction, environmental protection, Exopolysaccharides, Geographic distribution, Heavy metals, high throughput sequencing, Immobilisation, Lead, Liquid media, Mass Spectrometry, metal, Metal binding capacity, Metal immobilization, Microbial communities, Microbial community, Microbial diversity, Microorganisms, morphotype, nonhuman, Nostoc commune, Nostoc communes, pH, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Polysaccharides, Proteobacteria, soil analysis, Soil contamination, soil microflora, Soil pollution, soil restoration, Soils, sustainable agriculture, Sustainable development, Zinc

Soil contamination by heavy metals represents an important environmental and public health problem of global concern. Biocrust-forming cyanobacteria offer promise for heavy metal immobilisation in contaminated soils due to their unique characteristics, including their ability to grow in contaminated soils and produce exopolysaccharides (EPS). However, limited research has analysed the representativeness of cyanobacteria in metal-contaminated soils. Additionally, there is a lack of studies examining how cyanobacteria adaptation to specific environments can impact their metal-binding capacity. To address this research gap, we conducted a study analysing the bacterial communities of cyanobacteria-dominated biocrusts in a contaminated area from South Sardinia (Italy). Additionally, by using two distinct approaches, we isolated three Nostoc commune strains from cyanobacteria-dominated biocrust and we also evaluated their potential to immobilise heavy metals. The first isolation method involved acclimatizing biocrust samples in liquid medium while, in the second method, biocrust samples were directly seeded onto agar plates. The microbial community analysis revealed Cyanobacteria, Bacteroidota, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria as the predominant groups, with cyanobacteria representing between 13.3 % and 26.0 % of the total community. Despite belonging to the same species, these strains exhibited different growth rates (1.1–2.2 g L−1 of biomass) and capacities for EPS production (400–1786 mg L−1). The three strains demonstrated a notable ability for metal immobilisation, removing up to 88.9 % of Cu, 86.2 % of Pb, and 45.3 % of Zn from liquid medium. Cyanobacteria EPS production showed a strong correlation with the removal of Cu, indicating its role in facilitating metal immobilisation. Furthermore, differences in Pb immobilisation (40–86.2 %) suggest possible environmental adaptation mechanisms of the strains. This study highlights the promising application of N. commune strains for metal immobilisation in soils, offering a potential bioremediation tool to combat the adverse effects of soil contamination and promote environmental sustainability. © 2024 The Authors


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Citation KeyPagli2024