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Industrial symbiosis potential on specific agri-food and metallurgical value chains in Lombardy region

TitleIndustrial symbiosis potential on specific agri-food and metallurgical value chains in Lombardy region
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsSbaffoni, Silvia, Beltrani Tiziana, and De Marco Emanuela
Secondary AuthorsVahizadeh, Reza, Mastella Luca, Bertanza Giorgio, Branduardi Paola, and Tovar Franco Hernan Gom
Corporate AuthorsCutaia, Laura, Franzetti Andrea, and Vaccari Mentore
JournalEnvironmental Engineering and Management Journal
Pagination1709 - 1720
Date PublishedJan-01-2022
KeywordsEco-innovation, industrial symbiosis methodology, residues, resource valorizations, Synergies

This paper focuses on the project activities carried out by ENEA on Industrial Symbiosis (IS) as part of the CREIAMO project, funded by CARIPLO Foundation, aimed at identifying and promoting new destinations and economic opportunities for by-products and waste deriving from the olive and wine sectors, under a circular economy perspective. Due to the pandemic, the ENEA s methodology for promoting and implementing IS has been adapted in order to perform from remote all the activities with the companies involved. An engagement campaign was carried out in the territory of Brescia with the support of several local associations. The IS Operative Meeting (OM) with enterprises was held remotely on 19 February 2021. About 100 potential synergistic actions have been identified, mainly involving material resources. Following an initial processing of data, summary reports were prepared, one for each company. Significant resource flows were selected according to the quantities involved and to their economic value. As an output of this work, two technical handbooks have been drawn up for companies that are willing to transform synergies from theory to practice.

Short TitleEnviron. Eng. Manag. J.
Citation Key12398