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Found 7586 results
How ENEA is Facilitating the Transition to a Circular Economy in Italy Through Industrial Symbiosis, Cutaia, Laura, La Monica Marco, Mancuso Erika, Beltrani Tiziana, Luciano Antonella, Porta Pier Luigi, and Sbaffoni Silvia , Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Volume 1185 LNNS, p.31 – 40, (2024)
The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcanic barometric pressure pulse and meteotsunami travel recorded in several Antarctic stations, Evangelista, H., Grigioni P., Pezzi L., Dourado F., Heil P., Villela F.N.J., Passos H.R., Nogueira J., Magalhães N., Santini M., et al. , Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, Volume 96, p.e20240556, (2024)
Hydrographic vs. Dynamic Description of a Basin: The Example of Baroclinic Motion in the Ionian Sea, Borzelli, G.L. Eusebi, Napolitano Ernesto, Carillo Adriana, Struglia Maria Vittoria, Palma Massimiliano, and Iacono Roberto , Oceans, Volume 5, Number 2, p.383-397, (2024)
Hypoglycemic Properties of Leccinum scabrum Extracts—An In Vitro Study on α-Glucosidase and α-Amylase Inhibition and Metabolic Profile Determination, Ferraro, Valeria, Spagnoletta Anna, Rotondo Natalie Paola, Marsano René Massimilia, Miniero Daniela Valeria, Balenzano Gaetano, De Palma Annalisa, Colletti Alessandro, Gargano Maria Letizia, Lentini Giovanni, et al. , Journal of Fungi, Volume 10, Number 10, (2024)
Identification of potential molecular markers for detection of lengthy chilled storage of Prunus persica L. fruit, Giulia, Franzoni, Antonella Muto, Leonardo Bruno, Letizia Madeo Maria, Sirangelo Tiziana Maria, and . al , Heliyon, dec-30-2024, Volume 10, Issue 24, Number 24, p.e40992, (2024)
The Impact of Growing Area on the Expression of Fruit Traits Related to Sensory Perception in Two Tomato Cultivars, D’Esposito, D., Di Donato A., Puleo S., Nava M., Diretto Gianfranco, Di Monaco R., Frusciante L., and Ercolano M.R. , International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 25, Number 16, (2024)
Impact of mixed-species forest plantations on soil mycobiota community structure and diversity in the Congolese coastal plains, Koutika, Lydie-Stella, Pereira Arthur Prudêncio, Fiore Alessia, Tabacchioni Silvia, Costanzo Manuela, Di Gregorio Luciana, and Bevivino Annamaria , PloS one, Volume 19, Number 10, p.e0311781, (2024)
Impact of proton irradiation on photoluminescent properties of C-doped ZrO2 films prepared by ALD, Sytchkova, Anna, Protopapa Maria Lucia, Kolev Hristo, Burresi Emiliano, Olivero P., Dunatov Toni, Siketić Zdravko, Tapfer Leander, Wang Zhihao, He Hongbo, et al. , Vacuum, Jan-06-2024, Volume 224, p.113083, (2024)
The impact of the spatial resolution of vegetation cover on the prediction of airborne pollen concentrations over northern Italy, Tagliaferro, Sofia, Adani Mario, Pepe Nicola, Briganti Gino, D'Isidoro Massimo, Bonini Maira, Piersanti Antonio, Finardi Sandro, Marchetti Pierpaolo, Domenichini Francesco, et al. , Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Jan-08-2024, Volume 355, p.110153, (2024)
Implementation of an On-Line Reactive Source Apportionment (ORSA) Algorithm in the FARM Chemical-Transport Model and Application over Multiple Domains in Italy, Calori, Giuseppe, Briganti Gino, Uboldi Francesco, Pepe Nicola, D'Elia Ilaria, Mircea Mihaela, Marras Gian Franco, and Piersanti Antonio , Atmosphere, Jan-02-2024, Volume 15, Issue 2, Number 2, p.191, (2024)
In situ observations of supercooled liquid water clouds over Dome C, Antarctica, by balloon-borne sondes, Ricaud, Philippe, Durand Pierre, Grigioni P., Del Guasta Massimo, Camporeale Giuseppe, Roy Axel, Attié Jean-Luc, and Bognar John , Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Volume 17, Number 17, p.5071 – 5089, (2024)
Incompatible insect technique: insights on potential outcomes of releasing contaminant females: a proof of concept under semi-field conditions, Lombardi, G., Lampazzi Elena, and Calvitti Maurizio , Pest Management Science, (2024)
Influence of deep stratosphere-to-troposphere transport on atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane at the Mt. Cimone WMO/GAW global station (2165 m asl, Italy): A multi-year (2015–2022) investigation, Trisolino, Pamela, Putero Davide, Arduini Jgor, Amendola Stefano, Calzolari Francescopiero, and Cristofanelli Paolo , Atmospheric Research, 2024///, Volume 310, p.107627, (2024)
The influence of drying and storage conditions on the volatilome and cannabinoid content of Cannabis sativa L. inflorescences, Spadafora, Natasha Damiana, Felletti Simona, Chenet Tatiana, Sirangelo Tiziana Maria, Cescon Mirco, Catani Martina, De Luca Chiara, Stevanin Claudia, Cavazzini Alberto, and Pasti Luisa , Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Volume 416, Number 16, p.3797 – 3809, (2024)
Influence of Process Parameters on Properties of Non-Reactive RF Magnetron-Sputtered Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films Used as Electrodes for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes, Diletto, Claudia, Nunziata Fiorita, Aprano Salvatore, Migliaccio Ludovico, Maglione Maria Grazia, Rubino Alfredo, and Tassini Paolo , Crystals, Volume 14, Number 9, (2024)
Influence of Rare-Earth Inclusion on Structure and Properties of Ca/K-1144 IBSC, Duchenko, A., Augieri A., Barba L., Celentano G., Masi A., Pompeo N., Rizzo F., Rufoloni A., and Varsano F. , IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Jan-05-2024, Volume 34, Issue 3, p.1 - 5, (2024)
Influence of wildfire emissions to carbon dioxide (CO2) observed at the Mt. Cimone station (Italy, 2165 m asl): A multi-year investigation, Cristofanelli, Paolo, Trisolino Pamela, Calzolari Francescopiero, Busetto Maurizio, Calidonna Claudia Roberta, Amendola Stefano, Arduini Jgor, Fratticioli Cosimo, Hundal Rabia Ali, Maione Michela, et al. , Atmospheric Environment, 2024///, Volume 330, p.120577, (2024)
Infrared radiative effects of desert dust in the Mediterranean during the long dust season of summer 2021, Pelliccia, Giorgia Proietti, Meloni Daniela, Di Iorio Tatiana, Sferlazzo Damiano Massimo, Pace Giandomenico, and Di Sarra Alcide , RADIATION PROCESSES IN THE ATMOSPHERE AND OCEAN, 2024, Volume 2988, Issue 1, Number 1, Thessaloniki, Greece, (2024)
Infrastructure Impact Assessment through Multi-Hazard Analysis at Different Scales: The 26 November 2022 Flood Event on the Island of Ischia and Debris Management, Cappucci, Sergio, Pollino Maurizio, Farrace M.G., L. Morte Della, and Baiocchi V. , Land, Volume 13, Number 4, (2024)
Inhibition of intestinal inflammation and fibrosis by Scutellaria Baicalensis georgi and Boswellia serrata in human epithelial cells and fibroblasts, Laudadio, Ilaria, Leter Beatrice, Palone Francesca, Cucchiara Salvatore, Carissimi Claudia, Scafa Noemi, Secci Daniela, Vitali Roberta, and Stronati L. , Immunity, Inflammation and Disease, Volume 12, Number 10, (2024)
Inhibitors derived from wheat straw hydrolysate can affect the production of succinic acid by Actinobacillus succinogenes, Casella, Patrizia, Loffredo R., Rao M.A., Balducchi Roberto, Liuzzi F., de Bari I., and Molino Antonio , Process Biochemistry, Volume 147, p.228-239, (2024)
Innovative graph-based video processing methodology for collapse early warning of historic masonry building, Fioriti, Vincenzo, Cataldo Antonino, Colucci Alessandro, Ormando Chiara, Saitta Fernando, Palumbo Domenico, and Roselli Ivan , Acta IMEKO, Volume 13, Number 2, (2024)
Innovative Multilayer Electrospun Patches for the Slow Release of Natural Oily Extracts as Dressings to Boost Wound Healing, Fiaschini, Noemi, Carnevali Fiorella, Van der Esch Andrew, Vitali Roberta, Mancuso Mariateresa, Sulli Maria, Diretto Gianfranco, Negroni Anna, and Rinaldi Antonio , Pharmaceutics, Jan-02-2024, Volume 16, Issue 2, Number 2, p.159, (2024)
Innovative Virtual Reality Based Training in the Agri-Food Sector: Insights from METROFOOD-IT, Di Bitonto, Pierpaolo, De Trizio Lorenzo, Magarelli Michele, Romano Donato, Novielli Pierfrancesco, Ahsen Rameez, Manetti Cesare, Zoani Claudia, Sanesi Giovanni, De Angelis Maria, et al. , 2024 7th IEEE International Humanitarian Technologies Conference, IHTC 2024, (2024)