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Found 7537 results
On the effects of 30.5 GHz sinusoidal wave exposure on glioblastoma organoids, Rampazzo, Elena, Persano Luca, Karim Nissar, Hodgking George, Pinto Rosanna, Casciati Arianna, Tanori Mirella, Zambotti Alessandro, Bresolin Silvia, Cani Alice, et al. , Frontiers in Oncology, Volume 14, (2024)
Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure on male fertility: A systematic review of experimental studies on non-human mammals and human sperm in vitro, Cordelli, Eugenia, Ardoino Lucia, Benassi Barbara, Consales Claudia, Eleuteri Patrizia, Marino Carmela, Sciortino M., Villani Paola, Brinkworth M. H., Chen G., et al. , Environment International, Volume 185, (2024)
Effects of surface tension on the collapse time of an empty bubble, Iacono, Roberto , Physics of Fluids, Volume 36, Number 7, (2024)
Electrospun PCL Filtration Membranes Enhanced with an Electrosprayed Lignin Coating to Control Wettability and Anti-Bacterial Properties, Bergamasco, S., Fiaschini N., Hein L.A., Brecciaroli M., Vitali Roberta, Romagnoli M., and Rinaldi A. , Polymers, Volume 16, Number 5, (2024)
Elementi per la conservazione della biodiversità nel territorio del litorale romano nell’ambito della proposta di Strategia di Adattamento al Cambiamento Climatico di Roma Capitale, Morgana, Josè Giancarlo , (2024)
Enhancing consumer trust in product quality by certification and shortening the beef chain, Gebska, M., Patkowski A., Grzesiak R., and Notarfonso Maurizio , Trust and Supply Chains: Information Asymmetry in the Agri-Food Sector, p.182-200, (2024)
Environmental and economic performance of chemical and biological processes for treating petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil: An experimental study, Ambaye, T.G., Formicola F., Sbaffoni Silvia, Lima A.T.M., Franzetti A., and Vaccari M. , Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 12, Number 5, (2024)
Environmental assessment of Glass Fiber Rehinforced Polymer (GFRP) valorization processes from the decommissioning of wind turbines, De Marco, Emanuela, Fantin Valentina, Cutaia Laura, and Chiavetta Cristian , Detritus, Jul-12-2026, Issue 29, p.63 - 73, (2024)
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV): a tool to demonstrate the innovativeness of technological solutions for circular transition, De Marco, Emanuela, Mancuso Erika, and Sbaffoni Silvia , Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Jan-01-2024, Volume 23, Issue 10, Number 10, p.2051 - 2060, (2024)
Estimation of plant pollution removal capacity based on intensive air quality measurements, Mărmureanu, Luminiţa, Leca Ştefan, Pitar Diana, Pascu Ionuţ, De Marco Alessandra, Sicard Pierre, Chivulescu Şerban, Dobre Alexandru Claudiu, and Badea Ovidiu , Environmental Research, Volume 261, (2024)
Evaluation of carbon sink and photovoltaic system carbon reduction along roadside space, Liu, G., Huo Z., Wan H., Zucaro Amalia, Fiorentino Gabriella, Lu Y., and Yang Q. , Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 477, (2024)
Evaluation of the near-surface wind field over the Adriatic region: local wind characteristics in the convection-permitting model ensemble, Vozila, Andreina Belušić, Belušić Danijel, Prtenjak Maja Telišman, Güttler Ivan, Bastin Sophie, Brisson Erwan, Demory Marie-Estelle, Dobler Andreas, Feldmann Hendrik, Hodnebrog Øivind, et al. , Climate Dynamics, Volume 62, Number 6, p.4617 – 4634, (2024)
Evolution of Coastal Environments under Inundation Scenarios Using an Oceanographic Model and Remote Sensing Data, Cappucci, Sergio, Carillo Adriana, Iacono Roberto, Moretti Lorenzo, Palma Massimiliano, Righini Gaia, Antonioli Fabrizio, and Sannino Gianmaria , Remote Sensing, 07-2024, Volume 16, Issue 16, Number 14, p.2599, (2024)
Exfoliation of Molecular Solids by the Synergy of Ultrasound and Use of Surfactants: A Novel Method Applied to Boric Acid, Calistri, S., Ubaldini A., Telloli C., Gennerini F., Marghella Giuseppe, Gessi Alessandro, Bruni Stefania, and Rizzo Antonella , Molecules, Volume 29, Number 14, (2024)
Experimenting urban living lab methodology on circular economy co-design activities in some Italian urban territories, Innella, Carolina, Barberio Grazia, Brunori Claudia, Cappellaro Francesca, Ceddia Anna Rita, Civita Rocco, Dimatteo Salvatore, Ferraris Marco, Pentassuglia Rocco, and Sciubba Luigi , Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, Volume 6, (2024)
Extracellular Self-DNA Effects on Yeast Cell Cycle and Transcriptome during Batch Growth, Palomba, Emanuela, Chiusano Maria Luisa, Monticolo Francesco, Langella Maria Chiara, Sanchez Massimo, Tirelli Valentina, de Alteriis Elisabetta, Iannaccone Marco, Termolino Pasquale, Capparelli Rosanna, et al. , Biomolecules, Volume 14, Number 6, (2024)
Fabrication of three-dimensional micropatterned hydrophobic surfaces by fused filament fabrication printing technology, Galvagno, Sergio, Tammaro Loredana, Portofino Sabrina, Loffredo Fausta, De Girolamo Del Mauro Anna, Villani Fulvia, Pandolfi G., Iovane Pierpaolo, Tassini Paolo, and Borriello Carmela , Applied Research, (2024)
Flexible Screen-Printed Thermoelectric Materials Based on PEDOT:PSS/DWCNT Composites, De Girolamo Del Mauro, Anna, Imparato A., Miscioscia Riccardo, and Tassini Paolo , Macromolecular Symposia, Volume 413, Number 4, (2024)
Flow cytometry: Unravelling the real antimicrobial and antibiofilm efficacy of natural bioactive compounds, Poscente, Valeria, Di Gregorio Luciana, Costanzo Manuela, Bernini Roberta, and Bevivino Annamaria , Journal of Microbiological Methods, Volume 222, (2024)
A Functional Human Glycogen Debranching Enzyme Encoded by a Synthetic Gene: Its Implications for Glycogen Storage Disease Type III Management, Triggiani, Doriana, Demurtas Olivia Costantina, Illiano Elena, Massa Silvia, Pasquo A., Dionisi-Vici Carlo, Marino Carmela, Giuliano Giovanni, and Franconi Rosella , Protein and Peptide Letters, Volume 31, Number 7, p.519 – 531, (2024)
The genome and population genomics of allopolyploid Coffea arabica reveal the diversification history of modern coffee cultivars, Salojärvi, J., Rambani A., Yu Z., Guyot R., Strickler S., Lepelley M., Wang C., Rajaraman S., Rastas P., Zheng C., et al. , Nature Genetics, Jan-04-2024, Volume 56, Issue 4, Number 4, p.721-731, (2024)
Genome Insights into Beneficial Microbial Strains Composing SIMBA Microbial Consortia Applied as Biofertilizers for Maize, Wheat and Tomato, Cangioli, Lisa, Tabacchioni Silvia, Visca Andrea, Fiore Alessia, Aprea Giuseppe, Ambrosino Patrizia, Ercole Enrico, Sørensen Soren, Mengoni Alessio, and Bevivino Annamaria , Microorganisms, Volume 12, Number 12, (2024)
A GIS-Based Approach for Shallow Landslides Risk Assessment in the Giampilieri and Briga Catchments Areas (Sicily, Italy), Vegliante, Giulio, Baiocchi Valerio, Falconi Luca, Moretti Lorenzo, Pollino Maurizio, Puglisi Claudio, and Righini Gaia , GeoHazards, Jan-03-2024, Volume 5, Issue 1, p.209 - 232, (2024)
Graphene Oxide-Based Flexible Sensors for Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds at Room Temperature, Laera, Anna Maria, Cassano Gennaro, Burresi Emiliano, Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Penza Michele , Proceedings, p.Proceedings 2024, 97, 204, (2024)
Gravure Printed Composites Based on Lithium Manganese Oxide: A Study Case for Li-Ion Batteries Manufacturing, Montanino, Maria, Paoletti Claudia, De Girolamo Del Mauro Anna, and Sico Giuliano , Macromolecular Symposia, Jan-08-2024, Volume 413, Issue 4, (2024)