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Metrofood-RI: Inventory of the facilities and organization of the physical infrastructure

TitoloMetrofood-RI: Inventory of the facilities and organization of the physical infrastructure
Tipo di pubblicazionePresentazione a Congresso
Anno di Pubblicazione2017
AutoriAlexandre, J., Tangni E.K., Zoani Claudia, Donard O., Zappa Giovanna, and Van Loco J.
Conference Name3rd IMEKOFOODS Conference: Metrology Promoting Harmonization and Standardization in Food and Nutrition
Parole chiaveDistributed database systems, Food products, measurement, Nutrition, Operational capacity, Research infrastructure, Scientific service, Standardization

METROFOOD-RI is a Research Infrastructure (RI) for Promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition composed by a Physical (P-RI) and an electronic (e-RI) infrastructure which are strictly interconnected. PRO-METROFOOD Project (H2020 INFRADEV-02-2016, GA n.739568) represents the �Early Phase� of the RI and has among its objectives the definition of the operational capacities of the PRI, with the design of its scientific services. The facilities have been inventoried and classified in a database, which provides an organized overview of the capacities of the distributed P-RI. Copyright� (2017) by the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO). All rights reserved.

Citation KeyAlexandre2017193