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EDTA Chelating Process for Lead Removal: Evaluation of Approaches by Means of a Reactive Transport Model

TitoloEDTA Chelating Process for Lead Removal: Evaluation of Approaches by Means of a Reactive Transport Model
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2015
AutoriMartorelli, E., Antonucci A., Luciano Antonella, Rossi E., Raboni M., Mancini G., and Viotti P.
RivistaWater, Air, and Soil Pollution
Parole chiavealgorithm, Algorithm stability, article, Bioremediation, Chelation, Chemical contamination, concentration (parameters), edetic acid, EDTA, EDTA flushing, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, Extraction, First order reactions, heavy metal removal, iron oxide, Italy, Lead, Lead-contaminated soil, Manganese oxide, mathematical computing, mathematical model, Modeling, Models, Numerical approaches, Numerical diffusion, pH, pollutant removal, Pollution, reactive transport, reactive transport model, Reactive transport modeling, remediation, Sequential extraction procedure, simulation, soil organic matter, Soil pollution, Soil pollution control, soil remediation, Soils

A 1D reactive model is developed to simulate the EDTA chelating process in a lead (Pb)-contaminated saturated soil. The model is implemented using a multistep numerical approach in order to avoid numerical diffusion assuring at the same time the algorithm stability. The model takes into account first-order reactions where the lead species are splitted into three fractions: C1 (easily mobilized lead), C2 (lead associated with iron and manganese oxides), and C3 (lead bound to organic matter and in the residual fraction). Two different mobilization kinetics ("slow" and "fast") are considered for each fraction. The model was therefore calibrated and validated using laboratory experimental data. A sequential extraction procedure was conducted to evaluate the lead mobilization due to the EDTA flushing through the column and to take into account the different soil fraction at which the metal is bound. Several remediation scenarios are used to show the suitability of the model to provide information and knowledge of the best EDTA feed and flux conditions for the lead extraction from soil. The model can therefore be considered as a tool to know in advance the performances of a remediation treatment and to optimize the extraction process minimizing the chelating agent costs and its effects on the soil. © 2015 Springer International Publishing.


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Citation KeyMartorelli2015