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Sulphur-tolerant anode for MCFC FED with biogas,
, EFC 2009 - Piero Lunghi Conference, Proceedings of the 3rd European Fuel Cell Technology and Applications Conference, p.127-128, (2009)
Surface plasmon resonance of metal nanoparticles sandwiched between dielectric layers: Theoretical modelling,
, Applied Optics, Volume 48, Number 4, p.778-785, (2009)
Sustainable power production in a membrane-less and mediator-less synthetic wastewater microbial fuel cell,
, Bioresource Technology, Volume 100, Number 13, p.3252-3260, (2009)
SWCNT nano-composite optical sensors for VOC and gas trace detection,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 138, Number 1, p.351-361, (2009)
Synergies between energy efficiency measures and air pollution in Italy,
, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 123, p.431-438, (2009)
Synthesis and characterization of titanium and zirconium oxynitride coatings,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 517, Number 21, p.5956-5964, (2009)
Technical and Non-Technical Measures for air pollution emission reduction: The integrated assessment of the regional Air Quality Management Plans through the Italian national model,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 43, Number 39, p.6182-6189, (2009)
Tetraploidy triggers mithocondria,
, Cell Cycle, Volume 8, Number 9, p.1305-1306, (2009)
A theoretical approach to design electron acceptors for bulk hetero junction solar cells,
, International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, Volume 17, Number 2-3, p.211-228, (2009)
Towards a definition of a real-time forecasting network for rainfall induced shallow landslides,
, Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, Volume 9, Number 6, p.2119-2133, (2009)
Toxicity of toner nanoparticles on RT112 cell cultures,
, 2009 9th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE NANO 2009, 2009///, p.616 - 618, (2009)
Transcriptional profiling in response to terminal drought stress reveals differential responses along the wheat genome,
, BMC Genomics, Volume 10, (2009)
Transfer of Wolbachia from Culex pipiens (L.) to Aedes albopictus (Skuse) resulting in the expression of Cytoplasmic Incomatibility,
, I International Symposium on the Asian Tiger Mosquito: Ecology, Evolution, Epidemiology and Control. Rutgers University (NJ-USA), Feb 12-13, (2009)
Transport estimates at the western section of the Strait of Gibraltar: A combined experimental and numerical modeling study,
, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Volume 114, Number 6, (2009)
Tribological characterization of WC-Co plasma sprayed coatings,
, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Volume 92, Number 5, p.1118-1124, (2009)
Trophodynamics of suprabenthic fauna on coastal muddy bottoms of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean),
, Journal of Sea Research, Volume 61, Number 3, p.174-187, (2009)
Unexpected long-term population dynamics in a canopy-forming gorgonian coral following mass mortality,
, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Volume 394, p.195–200, (2009)
Using molecular genetics to identify immature specimens of the weevil Ceratapion basicorne (Coleoptera: Apionidae),
, Biological Control, Volume 51, Number 1, p.152-157, (2009)
Valutazioni di conformità: il ruolo dell’incertezza nel confronto tra valori misurati e valori soglia,
, Tutto_Misure, 09/2009, Volume n. 3, (2009)
A vertically resolved, monthly mean, ozone database from 1979 to 2100 for constraining global climate model simulations,
, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 30, Number 15-16, p.4009-4018, (2009)
Winter fine particulate matter from Milan induces morphological and functional alterations in human pulmonary epithelial cells (A549),
, Toxicology Letters, Volume 188, Number 1, p.52-62, (2009)
137Cs baseline levels in the Mediterranean and Black Sea: A cross-basin survey of the CIESM Mediterranean Mussel Watch programme,
, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 57, Number 6-12, p.801-806, (2008)
Ab initio calculations of electron affinity and ionization potential of carbon nanotubes,
, Nanotechnology, Volume 19, Number 2, (2008)
Activation of p53-dependent responses in tumor cells treated with a PARC-interacting peptide,
, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 368, Number 2, p.350-356, (2008)
Advances in functional research of antioxidants and organoleptic traits in berry crops,
, BioFactors, Volume 34, Number 1, p.23-36, (2008)