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Transport estimates at the western section of the Strait of Gibraltar: A combined experimental and numerical modeling study

TitoloTransport estimates at the western section of the Strait of Gibraltar: A combined experimental and numerical modeling study
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2009
AutoriSánchez-Román, A., Sannino Gianmaria, Garcia-Lafuente J., Carillo Adriana, and Criado-Aldeanueva F.
RivistaJournal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Parole chiaveAcoustic doppler current profiler, Data processing, Doppler effect, Eddy fluxes, flow velocity, Harmonic constants, Historical data, Model performance, Model validation, Monitoring stations, numerical model, Numerical modeling, Numerical models, outflow, Secondary channels, strait, Strait of Gibraltar, submarine ridge, Tidal dynamics, Time series, Time-scales, Transport estimates, Velocity field

Three-yearlong time series of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) observations at a single station in Espartel Sill (Strait of Gibraltar) were used to compute an outflow of Q2 = -0.82 Sv through the main channel. The cross-strait structure of the velocity field or the outflow through a secondary channel north of the submarine ridge of Majuan in Espartel section is not captured by observations so that an improved version of a numerical model (CEPOM) has been used to fill the observational gap. Previously, the model performance has been checked against historical data sets by comparing harmonic constants of the main diurnal and semidiurnal constituents from observed and modeled data at different sites of the strait. Considering the great complexity of tidal dynamics in the area, the comparison is quite satisfactory and validates the model to infer the exchange at longer timescales. Using a "climatological" April in the simulation, extracting a "single station" from the model at the same position as the monitoring station and processing the data similarly, the model gives an outflow through the southern channel 13% higher than observations. The inclusion of the cross-strait structure of velocity reduces the computed outflow through the southern channel, whereas the contribution of the northern channel brings the total outflow close to that computed using a single station (5% smaller). If the same correction is applied to observations, the total outflow would reduce to Q2 = -0.78 Sv. The paper also assesses the importance of eddy fluxes to the total outflow, their contribution being negligible (<5%). Copyright 2009 by the American Geophysical Union.


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Citation KeySánchez-Román2009