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Climate Change, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Financial Institutions,
, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Ethics and Environmental Policies, Padova, Italy, p.23–25, (2008)
Clinical significance of CXC chemokine receptor-4 and c-Met in childhood rhabdomyosarcoma,
, Clinical Cancer Research, Volume 14, Number 13, p.4119-4127, (2008)
Combustion synthesis and characterization of CeO2 nanopowder,
, Acta Chimica Slovenica, Volume 55, Number 3, p.486-491, (2008)
Comment on 'On the general solution for the modified Emden-type equation ẍ + α x x· + β x3 = 0',
, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Volume 41, Number 6, (2008)
A comparison among plastic deformation capacities of RC members according to international codes,
, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1020, Number PART 1, Reggio Calabria, p.1159-1167, (2008)
Comparison between ozone monitoring data and modelling data, in Italy, from the perspective of health indicator assessments,
, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 116, Skiathos, p.125-134, (2008)
Comparison of Microbial Communities Native to Three Differently Polluted Ecological Niches in the Industrial Site of Bagnoli (Naples, Italy),
, Modern Multidisciplinary Applied Microbiology: Exploiting Microbes and Their Interactions, p.488-493, (2008)
Compost enhances parasitization of Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) by Diaeretiella rapae (M’Intosh) in broccoli under different levels of crop diversification and plant competition,
, Proceedings of the 2nd ISOFAR Conference, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008, 2008, Volume 1, p.236-239. Archived at, (2008)
A comprehensive performance evaluation of the air quality model BOLCHEM to reproduce the ozone concentrations over Italy,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 42, Number 5, p.1169-1185, (2008)
Constant curvature lorentz surfaces,
, Frontiers in Mathematics, Volume 2008, p.137-160, (2008)
A continuous vibration analysis model for cables with sag and bending stiffness,
, Engineering Structures, Jan-05-2008, Volume 30, Issue 5, Number 5, p.1459-1472, (2008)
Contribution of unburned lubricating oil and gasoline-derived n-alkanes to particulate emission from non-catalyst and catalyst-equipped two-stroke mopeds operated with synthetic lubricating oil,
, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Volume 10, Number 10, p.1202-1210, (2008)
Coping with water scarcity: what role for biotechnologies,
, Rome: Food and Agricultural Organiztion, (2008)
On the coupling between vegetation and rainfall inter-annual anomalies: Possible contributions to seasonal rainfall predictability over land areas,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 35, Number 2, (2008)
Current results on the development of a carbon nanotube radiation detector,
, Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications - Proceedings of the 10th Conference, Como, p.8-17, (2008)
Description of the first marine interstitial ingolfiellid from Philippines, Ingolfiella alba sp. nov., with some remarks on the systematic of the genus (Amphipoda: Ingolfiellidae),
, Zootaxa, 2008///, p.49 - 58, (2008)
Determination of platinum group elements and evaluation of their traffic-related distribution in Italian urban environments,
, Analytical Letters, Jul-10-2010, Volume 41, Issue 14, Number 14, p.2658-2683, (2008)
Determination of ultraviolet cosine-corrected irradiances and aerosol optical thickness by combined measurements with a Brewer spectrophotometer and a multifilter rotating shadowband radiometer,
, Applied Optics, Volume 47, Number 33, p.6142-6150, (2008)
Development of new lines of Brassica carinata for energy production,
, Italian Journal of Agronomy, September/2008, Volume 3, p.553-554, (2008)
Development of SEM metallography for the study of the Mg-MgH2 phase transformation,
, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 1042, Boston, MA, p.46-52, (2008)
Diastereotopic styrene arrangement in the heterosequences of random styrene-ethylene copolymers,
, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Volume 209, Number 10, p.1050-1055, (2008)
Distribution and morphological variation of colonies of the bryozoan Pentapora fascialis (Bryozoa : Cheilostomata) along the western coast of Italy,
Diurnal and circadian rhythms in the tomato transcriptome and their modulation by cryptochrome photoreceptors,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 3, Number 7, (2008)
A divergent role for estrogen receptor-beta in node-positive and node-negative breast cancer classified according to molecular subtypes: An observational prospective study,
, Breast Cancer Research, Volume 10, Number 5, (2008)
Dynamics of suprabenthos-zooplankton communities around the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean): Influence of environmental variables and effects on the biological cycle of Aristeus antennatus,
, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 71, Number 3-4, p.316-335, (2008)