Antonella Luciano
Schede primarie
Found 52 results
Filtri: Autore is Antonella Luciano
Il ruolo dell'economia,
, La sostenibilità ambientale. Un manuale per prendere buone decisioni Aggiornamento 2017, Roma, p.79–93, (2017)
La Prima Piattaforma Italiana per la Simbiosi Industriale,
, L’Astrolabio, Issue 114, Number 114, Roma, (2017)
The modelling of odour dispersion as a support tool for the improvements of high odours impact plants,
, Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), Volume 38, Number 5, p.588-597, (2017)
L'economia circolare per il contenimento delle emissioni di gas serra,
, Energia Ambiente e Innovazione, Issue 1, Number 1, p.46–49, (2016)
Potential Improvement of the Methodology for Industrial Symbiosis Implementation at Regional Scale,
, Waste and Biomass Valorization, Volume 7, Number 4, p.1007-1015, (2016)
EDTA Chelating Process for Lead Removal: Evaluation of Approaches by Means of a Reactive Transport Model,
, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 226, Number 4, (2015)
The experience of the first industrial symbiosis platform in Italy,
, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 14, Issue 7, Number 7, p.1521-1533, (2015)
Recovery of waste streams from agroindustry through industrial symbiosis in Sicilia,
, LCA for feeding the planet and energy for life, International conference on Life Cycle Assessment as reference methodology for assessing supply chains and supporting global sustainability challenges, Stresa, p.352–355, (2015)
A systematic methodology for industrial symbiosis approach development at a regional scale,
, International Conference Industrial Waste & Wastewater Treatment & Valorisation (IWWATAV), Athens, p.1-7, (2015)
On the ASR and ASR thermal residues characterization of full scale treatment plant,
, Waste Management, Volume 34, Number 2, p.448-457, (2014)
Full scale treatment of ASR wastes in a modified rotary kiln,
, Waste Management, Volume 34, Number 11, p.2347-2354, (2014)
Review of Italian experience on automotive shredder residue characterization and management,
, Waste Management, Volume 34, Number 10, p.1752-1762, (2014)
STRANgE, integrated physical–biological–mechanical system for recovery in of the “oil spill” in Antarctic environment,
, Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology, Volume 13, Number 4, p.369-375, (2014)
Un esempio di eco-innovazione di sistema attraverso la valorizzazione territoriale di risorse: nuovo approccio cooperativo tra mondo industriale, scientifico e istituzionale,
, Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione, Volume 60, Issue 5, p.76–88, (2014)
Use of a reactive transport model to describe reductive dechlorination (RD) as a remediation design tool: Application at a CAH-contaminated site,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 21, Number 2, p.1514-1527, (2014)
A wastewater treatment using a biofilm airlift suspension reactor with biomass attached to supports: A numerical model,
, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 11, Number 3, p.571-588, (2014)
Effect of powdered activated carbon to reduce fouling in membrane bioreactors: A sustainable solution. Case study,
, Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 5, Number 4, p.1501-1509, (2013)
Numerical approach to modelling pulse-mode soil flushing on a Pb-contaminated soil,
, Journal of Soils and Sediments, Volume 13, Number 1, p.43-55, (2013)
A numerical model of the soil flushing remediation in heavy metal contaminated soil,
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 32, p.469-474, (2013)
Improving biotreatment efficiency of hot waste air streams: Experimental upgrade of a full plant,
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 30, p.49-54, (2012)
An integrated wastewater treatment system using a BAS reactor with biomass attached to tubular supports,
, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 113, p.51-60, (2012)
On morphometric properties of DNAPL sources: Relating architecture to mass reduction,
, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 223, Number 5, p.2849-2864, (2012)
A numerical model to study pulsing soil flushing: Validation and application to a real contaminated soil,
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 28, p.151-156, (2012)
Risk analysis of a disused landfill as support tool for defining strategy and priority of the remediation actions,
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 28, p.43-48, (2012)