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Antonella Luciano

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Found 52 results
Filtri: Autore is Antonella Luciano
EDTA Chelating Process for Lead Removal: Evaluation of Approaches by Means of a Reactive Transport Model, Martorelli, E., Antonucci A., Luciano Antonella, Rossi E., Raboni M., Mancini G., and Viotti P. , Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 226, Number 4, (2015)
The experience of the first industrial symbiosis platform in Italy, Cutaia, Laura, Luciano Antonella, Barberio Grazia, Sbaffoni Silvia, Mancuso Erika, Scagliarino C., and La Monica Marco , Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 14, Issue 7, Number 7, p.1521-1533, (2015)
Recovery of waste streams from agroindustry through industrial symbiosis in Sicilia, Cutaia, Laura, La Monica Marco, Scagliarino S., Barberio Grazia, Sbaffoni Silvia, Luciano Antonella, and Mancuso Erika , LCA for feeding the planet and energy for life, International conference on Life Cycle Assessment as reference methodology for assessing supply chains and supporting global sustainability challenges, Stresa, p.352–355, (2015)
A systematic methodology for industrial symbiosis approach development at a regional scale, Cutaia, Laura, Barberio Grazia, Luciano Antonella, Mancuso Erika, Sbaffoni Silvia, La Monica Marco, and Scagliarino C , International Conference Industrial Waste & Wastewater Treatment & Valorisation (IWWATAV), Athens, p.1-7, (2015)
On the ASR and ASR thermal residues characterization of full scale treatment plant, Mancini, G., Viotti P., Luciano Antonella, and Fino D. , Waste Management, Volume 34, Number 2, p.448-457, (2014)
First results of the implementation of the Industrial Symbiosis Platform in Italy, Cutaia, Laura, Mancuso Erika, Sbaffoni Silvia, Luciano Antonella, and Barberio Grazia , 06, (2014)
Full scale treatment of ASR wastes in a modified rotary kiln, Mancini, G., Viotti P., Luciano Antonella, Raboni M., and Fino D. , Waste Management, Volume 34, Number 11, p.2347-2354, (2014)
Review of Italian experience on automotive shredder residue characterization and management, Cossu, R., Fiore S., Lai T., Luciano Antonella, Mancini G., Ruffino B., Viotti P., and Zanetti M.C. , Waste Management, Volume 34, Number 10, p.1752-1762, (2014)
STRANgE, integrated physical–biological–mechanical system for recovery in of the “oil spill” in Antarctic environment, Cappello, S., Mancini G., Pistone A., Azzaro M., Bottino F., Genovese L., Iannazzo D., Luciano Antonella, Mamo A., Neri G., et al. , Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology, Volume 13, Number 4, p.369-375, (2014)
Un esempio di eco-innovazione di sistema attraverso la valorizzazione territoriale di risorse: nuovo approccio cooperativo tra mondo industriale, scientifico e istituzionale, Cutaia, Laura, Sbaffoni Silvia, Mancuso Erika, Barberio Grazia, Luciano Antonella, Scagliarino C, and La Monica Marco , Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione, Volume 60, Issue 5, p.76–88, (2014)
Use of a reactive transport model to describe reductive dechlorination (RD) as a remediation design tool: Application at a CAH-contaminated site, Viotti, P., Di Palma P.R., Aulenta F., Luciano Antonella, Mancini G., and Papini M.P. , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 21, Number 2, p.1514-1527, (2014)
A wastewater treatment using a biofilm airlift suspension reactor with biomass attached to supports: A numerical model, Viotti, P., Luciano Antonella, Mancini G., and Torretta V. , International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 11, Number 3, p.571-588, (2014)