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Butadiene diolepoxide- and diepoxybutane-derived DNA adducts at N7-guanine: A high occurrence of diolepoxide-derived adducts in mouse lung after 1,3-butadiene exposure,
, Carcinogenesis, Volume 20, Number 7, p.1253-1259, (1999)
Calculations of the tritium re-emission rate in the DEMO first wall,
, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 270, Number 3, p.368-371, (1999)
Carrier localization and photoluminescence in porous silicon,
, Solid State Communications, Volume 112, Number 9, p.521-525, (1999)
Catalytic oxidation of calcium bisulfite in the wet limestone-gypsum flue gas desulfurization process,
, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 54, Number 15-16, Newport Beach, CA, USA, p.3019-3026, (1999)
Cell cycle synchronization in plant root meristems,
, Methods in Cell Science, 1999///, Volume 21, p.95 - 107, (1999)
Characterisation of ZnS:Mn thin films by Rietveld refinement of Bragg-Brentano X-ray diffraction patterns,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 353, Number 1, p.129-136, (1999)
Characterization of textile wastewater and other industrial wastewaters by respirometric and titration biosensors,
, Water Science and Technology, Volume 40, Number 1, Istanbul, Turkey, p.161-168, (1999)
Characterization of transparent and conductive electrodes of indium tin oxide thin films by sequential reactive evaporation,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 349, Number 1, p.71-77, (1999)
Chronological assessment and palaeoenvironmental implications of the speleothems from the caves at the edge of fucino plain (abruzzo, central italy),
, Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 12, Number 1, p.79-83, (1999)
Cloud albedo enhancement by surface-active organic solutes in growing droplets,
, Nature, Volume 401, Number 6750, p.257-259, (1999)
Combined thermal and optical analysis of laser back-scribing for amorphous-silicon photovoltaic cells processing,
, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 42, Number 4, p.645-656, (1999)
Comparison between different leaching/extraction tests for the evaluation of metal release from fly ash,
, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Volume 75, Number 1-2, Cordoba, Spain, p.19-31, (1999)
Cryptochrome 1 controls tomato development in response to blue light,
, Plant Journal, Volume 18, Number 5, p.551-556, (1999)
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) inhibits CD28-induced IκBα degradation and RelA activation,
, European Journal of Immunology, Volume 29, Number 3, p.856-863, (1999)
Dati biometrici della popolazione di cinghiale (Sus scrofa L.) di Castelporziano,
, Proc. Socitá Italiana Scienze Naturali Museo Civico Storia Naturale, Volume 2, p.171-177, (1999)
Dating and correlation of glacial deposits using tephra layers and loess: The example of M. Matese (Campania-Molise, Southern Italy) [Datazione diretta e correlazione di depositi glaciali con l'uso di tephra e loess: Il caso del Matese (Campania-Molise)],
, Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 12, Number 1, p.11-15, (1999)
Daytime Raman LIDAR for vertical profiling of water vapour and Ozone,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3867, Florence, Italy, p.228-233, (1999)
Dependence of the HfO2 thin film structure on the momentum transfer in ion beam assisted deposition,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3578, Boulder, CO, USA, p.154-161, (1999)
Deposition of SiO2 films with high laser damage thresholds by ion-assisted electron-beam evaporation,
, Applied Optics, Volume 38, Number 7, p.1237-1243, (1999)
Determination of total selenium in mussel and wheat samples after tetramethylammonium hydroxide digestion,
, Annali di Chimica, Volume 89, Number 11-12, p.873-880, (1999)
Digestion methods for analysis of fly ash samples by atomic absorption spectrometry,
, Analytica Chimica Acta, Volume 395, Number 1-2, p.157-163, (1999)
Dual ion beam sputtering coating of plastic substrates: Improvement of film/substrate adhesion by minimizing the total stress at the interface,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3738, Berlin, Ger, p.66-75, (1999)
Effect of plastic deformation on the kinetics of the solid state reaction between Cu and Zn,
, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 59, Number 18, p.11733-11738, (1999)
Effects of a neem compound on the fecundity and longevity of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae),
, Journal of Economic Entomology, 1999///, Volume 92, p.76 - 82, (1999)
Effects of ELF Exposure on Murine Immune System,
, Boston, MA, p.649 - 652, (1999)