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Characterization of the complex locus of bean encoding polygalacturonase- inhibiting proteins reveals subfunctionalization for defense against fungi and insects, D’Ovidio, R., Raiola A., Capodicasa Cristina, Devoto A., Pontiggia D., Roberti S., Galletti R., Conti E., O’Sullivan D., and De Lorenzo G. , Plant Physiology, 2004, Volume 135, p.2424 - 2435, (2004)
Chemical and isotopic snow variability in East Antarctica along the 2001/02 ITASE traverse, Becagli, S., Proposito Marco, Benassai S., Flora O., Genoni L., Gragnani R., Largiuni O., Pili S.L., Severi M., Stenni B., et al. , Annals of Glaciology, Volume 39, p.473-482, (2004)
Chemical speciation of arsenic in different marine organisms: Importance in monitoring studies, Fattorini, D., Alonso-Hernandez C.M., Diaz-Asencio M., Munoz-Caravaca A., Pannacciulli Federica, Tangherlini M., and Regoli F. , Marine Environmental Research, Volume 58, Number 2-5, p.845-850, (2004)
Chemometric characterization of Italian wines by thin-film multisensors array and artificial neural networks, Penza, Michele, and Cassano Gennaro , Food Chemistry, Volume 86, Number 2, p.283-296, (2004)
Chitosan membrane: Tool for chromium (III) recovery from aqueous solutions, Pietrelli, L., and Xingrong L. , Annali di Chimica, Volume 94, Number 5-6, p.389-398, (2004)
Climate variability along latitudinal and longitudinal transects in East Antarctica, Magand, O., Frezzotti M, Pourchet M., Stenni B., Genoni L., and Fily M. , Annals of Glaciology, Volume 39, p.351-358, (2004)
Comments on "The barotropic normal modes in certain shear flows and the traveling waves in the atmosphere", Iacono, Roberto , Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 61, Number 19, p.2397-2399, (2004)
Comparison of three sequential extraction procedures (original and modified 3 steps BCR procedure) applied to sediments of different origin, Craba, L., Brunori Claudia, Galletti M., Cremisini C., and Morabito Roberto , Annali di Chimica, Volume 94, Number 5-6, p.409-419, (2004)
Control trials of Dociostaurus maroccanus (Orthoptera, Acrididae) by Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum (Ascomycotina, Hypocreales)[Apulia], Baldacchino, Ferdinando, Pizza M, Moleas T, and Di Gioia S , Informatore Fitopatologico (Italy), (2004)
Development of a European multimodel ensemble system for seasonal-to-interannual prediction (DEMETER), Palmer, T.N., Alessandri Andrea, Andersen U., Cantelaube P., Davey M., Délécluse P., Déqué M., Díez E., Doblas-Reyes F.J., Feddersen H., et al. , Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 85, Number 6, p.853-872, (2004)
Development of Raman lidar techniques to address the indirect aerosol effect: Retrieving the liquid water content of clouds, Russo, Felicita, Whiteman D.N., Demoz B., Veselovskii I., Melfi S.H., and Hoff R.M. , European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, Volume 1, Number 561, p.411-414, (2004)
Direct radiative forcing of Saharan dust in the Mediterranean from measurements at Lampedusa Island and MISR space-borne observations, Meloni, Daniela, Di Sarra Alcide, Di Iorio Tatiana, and Fiocco G. , Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, Volume 109, Number 8, p.D08206 1-15, (2004)
Distribution characteristics of pandalid shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea: Pandalidae) along the central mediterranean sea, Fanelli, E., Colloca F., Belluscio A., and Ardizzone G.D. , Mediterranean Marine Science, Volume 5, Number 2, p.35-44, (2004)
DNA fragmentation induced by Fe ions in human cells: Shielding influence on spatially correlated damage, Antonelli, Francesca, Belli M., Campa A., Chatterjee A., Dini V., Esposito G., Rydberg B., Simone G., and Tabocchini M.A. , Advances in Space Research, Volume 34, Number 6, p.1353-1357, (2004)
Ectopic expression of maize polyamine oxidase and pea copper amine oxidase in the cell wall of tobacco plants., Rea, Giuseppina, de Pinto Maria Concetta, Tavazza Raffaela, Biondi Stefania, Gobbi Valentina, Ferrante Paola, De Gara Laura, Federico Rodolfo, Angelini Riccardo, and Tavladoraki Paraskevi , Plant physiology, 2004 Apr, Volume 134, p.1414-26, (2004)
The Effect of Zeaxanthin As the only Xanthophyll on the Structure and Function of the Photosynthetic Apparatus in Arabidopsis thaliana, Havaux, M., Dall'Osto L., Cuiné S., Giuliano Giovanni, and Bassi R. , Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 279, Number 14, p.13878-13888, (2004)
Effects of atmospheric scattering and extinction on the retrieval of fluorescence and Cherenkov signals produced by extreme energy cosmic rays and neutrinos from space: Role of lidar for their assessment and correction, Viola, R., Fiocco G., Cacciani M., Di Iorio Tatiana, and Di Sarra Alcide , Astroparticle Physics, Volume 21, Number 4, p.337-357, (2004)
Effects of substrate treatment and growth conditions on structure, morphology, and luminescence of homoepitaxial ZnTe deposited by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy, Traversa, M., Lovergine N., Prete P., Yoshino K., Di Luccio Tiziana, Scalia G., Pentlmalli M., Tapfer Leander, Morales P., and Mancini A.M. , Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 96, Number 2, p.1230-1237, (2004)
Effects on the inner auditory system of Sprague-Dawley rats of 900 and 1800 MHZ GSM mobile phones, Parazzini, M., Galloni P, Lovisolo G., Marino Carmela, Piscitelli Marta, Tognola G., and Ravazzani P. , Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Innsbruck, p.511-514, (2004)
Efficacy of fungicides and acaricides against Calepitrimerus vitis (Nalepa), De Lillo, E, Monfreda R, and Baldacchino Ferdinando , Phytophaga, Volume 14, p.599–603, (2004)
Emended description of the species Lampropedia hyalina, Lee, N., Cellamare C.M., Bastianutti C., Rosselloó-Mora R., Kämpfer P., Ludwig W., Schleifer K.H., and Stante Loredana , International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, Volume 54, Number 5, p.1709-1715, (2004)
Engineered green fluorescence proteins for proteomics and biomolecular electronic applications, Bizzarri, R., Pellegrini V., Arcangeli Caterina, Ferrari A., Nifosì R., Pingue P., Tozzini V., Giacca M., and Beltram F. , Macromolecular Symposia, Volume 218, p.283-292, (2004)
Enhancement of dopaminergic differentiation in proliferating midbrain neuroblasts by sonic hedgehog and ascorbic acid., Volpicelli, Floriana, Consales Claudia, Caiazzo Massimiliano, Colucci-D'Amato Luca, Perrone-Capano Carla, and di Porzio Umberto , Neural Plast, 2004, Volume 11, Issue 1-2, p.45-57, (2004)
EPIBENTHIC COMMUNITIES IN A MARINE SHALLOW AREA WITH HYDROTHERMAL VENTS (MILOS ISLAND, AEGEAN SEA), De Biasi, A. M., Bianchi C. N., Aliani S., Cocito Silvia, Peirano Andrea, Dando P. R., and Morri C. , CHEMISTRY AND ECOLOGY, Volume 20, Number 1, p.S89-S105, (2004)
Epidemiology and Clinical Course of Burkholderia cepacia Complex Infections, Particularly Those Caused by Different Burkholderia cenocepacia Strains, among Patients Attending an Italian Cystic Fibrosis Center, Manno, G., Dalmastri Claudia, Tabacchioni Silvia, Vandamme P., Lorini R., Minicucci L., Romano L., Giannattasio A., Chiarini L., and Bevivino Annamaria , Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2004///, Volume 42, p.1491 - 1497, (2004)