Produzione Scientifica
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Agroecologia: una via percorribile per un pianeta in crisi,
, Bologna, p.336, (2015)
Aircraft emissions of NOx: Radiative forcing from long-Term stratospheric changes of H2O andO3,
, DLR Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. - Forschungsberichte, Volume 2015-January, Number 38, p.91-96, (2015)
Alien species in natural environments: A treath for biodiversity conservation [Le specie esotiche negli ambienti naturali: Una minaccia per la conservazione della biodiversità],
, Italian Botanist, Volume 47, Number 2, p.347-348, (2015)
All-inkjet printed organic transistors: Dielectric surface passivation techniques for improved operational stability and lifetime,
, Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 55, Number 8, p.1192-1195, (2015)
Aloe arborescens extract protects IMR-32 Cells against Alzheimer amyloid beta peptide via inhibition of radical peroxide production,
, Natural Product Communications, Volume 10, Number 11, p.1993-1995, (2015)
Altitude-resolved shortwave and longwave radiative effects of desert dust in the Mediterranean during the GAMARF campaign: Indications of a net daily cooling in the dust layer,
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 120, Number 8, p.3386-3407, (2015)
Ambient noise measurements on the earth dam at Bomba, Italy,
, SHMII 2015 - 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, (2015)
Ambiente e sostenibilità,
, La sostenibilità ambientale- Un manuale per prendere buone decisioni, Volume Unico, Rome, (2015)
Amori Botanici,
, (2015)
Analysis of 210Pb peak values at Mt. Cimone (1998-2011),
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 112, p.136-147, (2015)
Analysis of 3D motion data from shaking table tests on a scaled model of Hagia Irene, Istanbul,
, Key Engineering Materials, Volume 624, p.66-73, (2015)
Analysis of a pool of small plasmids from soil heterotrophic cultivable bacterial communities,
, The Open Microbiology Journal, 08/2015, Volume 9, p.98-109, (2015)
Analysis of ground motion along a topographic relief: The cerreto di spoleto case-history (Central Italy),
, COMPDYN 2015 - 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, p.4635-4644, (2015)
Analysis of Quality-Related Parameters in Mature Kernels of Polygalacturonase Inhibiting Protein (PGIP) Transgenic Bread Wheat Infected with Fusarium graminearum,
, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, Volume 63, p.3962 - 3969, (2015)
Analytical protocols for the determination of sulphur compounds characteristic of the metabolism of Chlorobium limicola,
, Analytical Chemistry Research, 2015, Volume 5, p.9 - 13, (2015)
Analytical solutions of the balance equation for the scalar variance in one-dimensional turbulent flows under stationary conditions,
, Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2015, (2015)
Antibody proteolysis: a common picture emerging from plants.,
, Bioengineered, 2015 Jul 17, Volume 6, Number 5, p.1-4, (2015)
Anticorpi "verdi" contro le aflatossine per la protezione del consumatore,
, Energia Ambiente e Innovazione, Volume 61 (Speciale III), p.167-168, (2015)
Antimicrobial and antioxidant amphiphilic random copolymers to address medical device-centered infections,
, Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 22, p.131-140, (2015)
Antiproliferative activity of yatein isolated from Austrocedrus chilensis against murine myeloma cells: Cytological studies and chemical investigations,
, Pharmaceutical Biology, Volume 53, Number 3, p.378-385, (2015)
Anti-tumor effects of genetic vaccines against HPV major oncogenes,
, Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, Volume 11, Number 1, p.45-52, (2015)
Apoptosis, necrosis, and necroptosis in the gut and intestinal homeostasis,
, Mediators of Inflammation, Volume 2015, (2015)
Apparato per il Confinamento Fisico di una Torcia al Plasma Finalizzato all'Incremento di Resa in Sintesi di Materiali Ceramici.,
, 05/2015, Volume 102015000018115, Number 102015000018115, Italia, (2015)
Application of a novel hydrodynamic cavitation system in wastewater treatment plants,
, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering, Volume 77, Number 1, p.225-234, (2015)