Antonio Giuliano
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Antonio has gained a broad experience in R&D on anaerobic fermentation processes for biofuels production. To date he works at ENEA and his activity deals mainly with the optimization of urban and industrial waste and wastewater treatment processes as well as the development of the biological "Power to Gas" systems. Prior to joining ENEA, he spend three years as PhD student at Cà Foscari University of Venice and his thesis was focused on optimization of thermophilic anaerobic digestion process of biowaste for the simultaneous production of hydrogen and methane. In 2010 he took also a Post-Lauream Master course in Chemical Engineering at University of Verona where he gained skills on design and management of waste and wastewater treatment plant. Previous research activities focused on the removal of recalcitrant compounds from industrial wastewater. Antonio received an MSc in Industrial and environmental biotechnologies cum laude from “Sapienza” University of Rome where carried out a research activity on methane and hydrogen production through anaerobic microbial communities in bio-electrochemical systems.