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New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related Climate Indicators in 2023,
, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, (2024)
Reprocessing of eXpendable BathyThermograph (XBT) profiles from the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas over the time period 1999–2019 with a full metadata upgrade,
, Earth System Science Data, Volume 16, Number 12, p.5531-5561, (2024)
Examining the influence of recording system on the pure temperature error in XBT data,
, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 38, Number 4, p.759-776, (2021)
International Quality-Controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD) v0.1: The Temperature Uncertainty Specification,
, Frontiers in Marine Science, Volume 8, (2021)
More than 50 years of successful continuous temperature section measurements by the global expendable bathythermograph network, its integrability, societal benefits, and future,
, Frontiers in Marine Science, Volume 6, Number JUL, (2019)
How well can we correct systematic errors in historical XBT data?,
, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 35, Number 5, p.1103-1125, (2018)
XBT science: Assessment of instrumental biases and errors,
, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 97, Number 6, p.923-933, (2016)
A new method to estimate the systematical biases of expendable bathythermograph,
, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 28, Number 2, p.244-265, (2011)