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Pubblicazioni della Divisione Economia Circolare

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Economia Circolare attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Totale
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 30 29 23 24 25 23 30 32 23 35 274
Miscellanea 4 3 1 1 1 2 12
Presentazione a Congresso 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 10
Monografia 1 1 4 1 1 5 13
Atti di Congresso 2 1 3 3 6 5 1 2 23
Capitolo di Monografia 1 1 2
Tesi 1 1
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 5 4 1 10
Brevetto 1 1 2
Report 2 1 4 7
Web Article 1 1
Totale 39 30 38 35 32 36 38 37 33 37 355
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Tuffi, R., Canditelli M., Faustini N., Pescheta G., Barni E., Cafiero L. M., et al. (2014).  Non-conventional biostabilisation technology of municipal solid waste. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management. 40, 175-184.
Paolini, A., Cristofaro M., Lecce F., Di Cristina F., De Biase A., Belvedere S., et al. (2014).  Ceratapion basicorne (illiger) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): biosaggi di laboratorio e campo per valutarne la specificità fisiologica come agente di controllo di Centaurea solstitialis L. (Asteraceae: Cardueae). Atti Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia. 91-96.
Menegoni, P., Iannetta M., Giordano L., Iannilli V., Sighicelli M., Colucci F., et al. (2014).  Il progetto AGRIVAL: aree AGRIcole ad alto VALore naturalistico dell’alta val d’Agri. Natura 2000 in Basilicata: percorsi di "contaminazione" tra natura, scienza, arte e cultura dei luoghi.
Cutaia, L., Franco S., & La Monica M. (2013).  Effetti dellimplementazione della piattaforma regionale di simbiosi industriale in Sicilia.
Cutaia, L., Franco S., & La Monica M. (2013).  Effetti dell’implementazione della piattaforma regionale di simbiosi industriale in Sicilia: linee di indirizzo e prime osservazioni sul territorio. XXIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE), Ecology for a sustainable blue and green growth. 152.
Sciubba, L., Cavani L., Marzadori C., & Ciavatta C. (2013).  Effect of biosolids from municipal sewage sludge composted with rice husk on soil functionality. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 49, 597-608.
E. Cruz, A., Bruni S., Cellamare C.M., Maino G., Marghella G., Marzo A., et al. (2013).  La copertura in legno del palazzo Cadore a Cento (FE): diagnosi e caratterizzazione meccanica di un'antica struttura antisismica. XI Congresso nazionale IGIIC. Lo stato dell’arte.
Buttol, P. (2013).  Produzione di un dataset di Life Cycle Inventory per il software semplificato eVerdEE: 1 metro quadrato di pannello fotovoltaico in Poli Si.
Pereira, L., Zucaro A., Ortega E., & Ulgiati S. (2013).  Wealth, trade and the environment: Carrying capacity, economic performance and Wellbeing in Brazil and Italy. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management. 1, 159-188.
Zucaro, A., Mellino S., Viglia S., & Ulgiati S. (2013).  Assessing the environmental performance and sustainability of national agricultural systems. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management. 1, 381-397.
Zucaro, A., Mellino S., Ghisellini P., & Viglia S. (2013).  Environmental performance and biophysical constrains of Italian agriculture across time and space scales. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management. 1, 65-83.
Zucaro, A., Fiorentino G., Zamagni A., Bargigli S., Masoni P., Moreno A., et al. (2013).  How can life cycle assessment foster environmentally sound fuel cell production and use?. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 38, 453-468.
Castaldelli, G., Soana E., Racchetti E., Pierobon E., Mastrocicco M., Tesini E., et al. (2013).  Nitrogen budget in a lowland coastal area within the Po River Basin (Northern Italy): Multiple evidences of equilibrium between sources and internal sinks. Environmental Management. 52, 567-580.
Luciano, A., Viotti P., Torretta V., & Mancini G. (2013).  Numerical approach to modelling pulse-mode soil flushing on a Pb-contaminated soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 13, 43-55.
Torretta, V., Urbini G., Raboni M., Copelli S., Viotti P., Luciano A., et al. (2013).  Effect of powdered activated carbon to reduce fouling in membrane bioreactors: A sustainable solution. Case study. Sustainability (Switzerland). 5, 1501-1509.
Antonucci, A., Viotti P., Luciano A., & Mancini G. (2013).  A numerical model of the soil flushing remediation in heavy metal contaminated soil. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 32, 469-474.
Fontana, D., & Forte F. (2013).  Cobalt and manganese recovery from spent industrial catalysts by hydrometallurgy. Green Design, Materials and Manufacturing Processes - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing, SIM 2013. 203-208.
Giuliano, A., Bolzonella D., Pavan P., Cavinato C., & Cecchi F. (2013).  Co-digestion of livestock effluents, energy crops and agro-waste: Feeding and process optimization in mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. Bioresource Technology. 128, 612-618.
Bertin, L., Grilli S., Spagni A., & Fava F. (2013).  Innovative two-stage anaerobic process for effective codigestion of cheese whey and cattle manure. Bioresource Technology. 128, 779-783.
Mussoline, W., Esposito G., Lens P., Spagni A., & Giordano A. (2013).  Enhanced methane production from rice straw co-digested with anaerobic sludge from pulp and paper mill treatment process. Bioresource Technology. 148, 135-143.
Pietrelli, L., & Fontana D. (2013).  Automotive spent catalysts treatment and platinum recovery. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management. 11, 222-232.
Sabia, G., Ferraris M., & Spagni A. (2013).  Effect of solid retention time on sludge filterability and biomass activity: Long-term experiment on a pilot-scale membrane bioreactor treating municipal wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal. 221, 176-184.
Boni, M.R., Sbaffoni S., & Tuccinardi L. (2013).  The influence of slaughterhouse waste on fermentative H2 production from food waste: Preliminary results. Waste Management. 33, 1362-1371.
Boni, M.R., Sbaffoni S., Tuccinardi L., & Viotti P. (2013).  Development and calibration of a model for biohydrogen production from organic waste. Waste Management. 33, 1128-1135.
Giordano, L., Menegoni P., Iannetta M., Tronci C., Immordino F., Candigliota E., et al. (2013).  Localizzazione, quantificazione e caratterizzazione delle Aree Agricole ad Alto Valore Naturale nell’alta Val d’Agri (Basilicata). IL TELERILEVAMENTO PER IL MONITORAGGIO E LA GESTIONE DEL TERRITORIO.
Bacchetta, L., Bellon B., Di Giovanni B., Padovani L. Maria, & Tronci C. (2013).  Il Database SAFENUT Europeo: un valido strumento per la biodiversità di nocciolo e mandorlo. X giornate Scientifiche SOI, Campus di Agripolis 25-27 Giugno 2013, Padova.
Menegoni, P., Iannetta M., Giordano L., Iannilli V., Sighicelli M., Colucci F., et al. (2013).  IL PROGETTO AGRIVAL. IX Convegno Nazionale Biodiversità. 3, 346-350.
Morabito, R., & Cutaia L. (2012).  Sostenibilità dei sistemi produttivi. 352.
Andreottola, G., Ragazzi M., Foladori P., Villa R., Langone M., & Rada E.C. (2012).  The unit intregrated approch for OFMSW treatment. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering. 74, 19-26.
Fahd, S., Fiorentino G., Mellino S., & Ulgiati S. (2012).  Cropping bioenergy and biomaterials in marginal land: The added value of the biorefinery concept. Energy. 37, 79-93.
Stefanis, E., Sgrulletta D., Pucciarmati S., & Codianni P. (2012).  Effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on agronomic and quality traits of durum wheat under organic management. Cereal Research Communications. 40, 423-435.
Luciano, A., Viotti P., Mancini G., & Torretta V. (2012).  An integrated wastewater treatment system using a BAS reactor with biomass attached to tubular supports. Journal of Environmental Management. 113, 51-60.
Luciano, A., Viotti P., & Papini M.P. (2012).  On morphometric properties of DNAPL sources: Relating architecture to mass reduction. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 223, 2849-2864.
Palmeri, E., Mancini G., Luciano A., & Viotti P. (2012).  Risk analysis of a disused landfill as support tool for defining strategy and priority of the remediation actions. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 28, 43-48.
Luciano, A., Viotti P., & Mancini G. (2012).  A numerical model to study pulsing soil flushing: Validation and application to a real contaminated soil. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 28, 151-156.
Copelli, S., Torretta V., Raboni M., Viotti P., Luciano A., Mancini G., et al. (2012).  Improving biotreatment efficiency of hot waste air streams: Experimental upgrade of a full plant. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 30, 49-54.
Cavinato, C., Giuliano A., Bolzonella D., Pavan P., & Cecchi F. (2012).  Bio-hythane production from food waste by dark fermentation coupled with anaerobic digestion process: A long-term pilot scale experience. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 37, 11549-11555.
Grilli, S., Giordano A., & Spagni A. (2012).  Stabilisation of biodried municipal solid waste fine fraction in landfill bioreactor. Waste Management. 32, 1678-1684.
Tammaro, M., Di Natale F., Salluzzo A., & Lancia A. (2012).  Heterogeneous condensation of submicron particles in a growth tube. Chemical Engineering Science. 74, 124-134.
Casu, S., Crispino N.A., Farina R., Mattioli D., Ferraris M., & Spagni A. (2012).  Wastewater treatment in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 47, 204-209.
Spagni, A., Casu S., & Grilli S. (2012).  Decolourisation of textile wastewater in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology. 117, 180-185.
Boni, M.R., & Sbaffoni S. (2012).  Chemical oxidation by sodium persulphate for the treatment of contaminated groundwater. laboratory tests. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 28, 157-162.
Boni, M.R., Sbaffoni S., Tedesco P., & Vaccari M. (2012).  Mass balance of emerging organic micropollutants in a small wastewater treatment plant. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. 164, 345-356.
Petronio, B.M., Cardellicchio N., Calace N., Pietroletti M., Pietrantonio M., Caliandro L., et al. (2012).  Erratum: Spatial and temporal heavy metal concentration (Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, Fe, Mn, Ni) in sediments of the mar piccolo in Taranto (Ionian Sea, Italy) (Water, Air, and Soil Pollution DOI: 10.1007/s11270-011-0908-4)). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 223, 1921.
Calace, N., Caliandro L., Petronio B.M., Pietrantonio M., Pietroletti M., & Trancalini V. (2012).  Distribution of Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn in urban soils in Rome city (Italy): Effect of vehicles. Environmental Chemistry. 9, 69-76.
Petronio, B.M., Cardellicchio N., Calace N., Pietroletti M., Pietrantonio M., & Caliandro L. (2012).  Spatial and temporal heavy metal concentration (Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, Fe, Mn, Hg) in sediments of the Mar Piccolo in Taranto (Ionian Sea, Italy). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 223, 863-875.
Fantin, V., Buttol P., Pergreffi R., & Masoni P. (2012).  Life cycle assessment of Italian high quality milk production. A comparison with an EPD study. Journal of Cleaner Production. 28, 150-159.
Zamagni, A., Masoni P., Buttol P., Raggi A., & Buonamici R. (2012).  Finding Life Cycle Assessment Research Direction with the Aid of Meta-Analysis. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 16, S39-S52.