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Studio della qualità di alcune specie erbacee della flora laziale in relazione al comportamneto trofico e riporoduttivo di Bemisia argentifolii (Homoptera Aleyrodidae),
, XVIII Congresso Nazionale di Entomologia, Volume Book of Abtracts, p.139, (1998)
Surface and interface morphology of thin oxide films investigated by X-ray reflectivity and atomic force microscopy,
, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 100-101, Number 1-3, p.76-79, (1998)
Synthesis of silicon carbide thin films by ion beam sputtering,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 335, Number 1-2, p.80-84, (1998)
Synthetic peptides in diagnosis of plum pox potyvirus,
, Acta Horticulturae, Volume 472, p.491-494, (1998)
Territorio e Biodiversità: l’Approccio Ecosistemico,
, Pangea, Volume 11:, p.13-16, (1998)
A theoretical study of the microphysical parameterization of the scavenging coefficient as a function of precipitation type and rate,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 32, Number 17, p.2931-2938, (1998)
Tungsten trioxide (WO3) sputtered thin films for a NOx gas sensor,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 50, Number 1, p.9-18, (1998)
Validazione di un modello matematico per la simulazione della interazione trofica tra Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyroididae)- Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae),
, XVIII Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia, Volume Book of Abstract, Maratea, p.118, (1998)
1H MR spectroscopy evidences different patterns of lipid metabolites in both radiation- and chemically-transformed cells with respect to the parental C3H mouse embryo fibroblast cell line,
, Physica Medica, Volume 13, Number SUPPL. 1, p.287-290, (1997)
32P-Postlabelling/HPLC assay reveals an enantioselective adduct formation in N7 guanine residues in vivo after 1,3-butadiene inhalation exposure,
, Carcinogenesis, Volume 18, Number 2, p.439-443, (1997)
On the accumulation-dispersion processes of the tracer 137Cs in the Italian Seas,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 37, Number 2, p.155-173, (1997)
Atmospheric aerosol in an urban area - Measurements of TSP and PM10 standards and pulmonary deposition assessments,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 31, Number 21, p.3659-3665, (1997)
Biodiversity of a Burkholderia cepacia population isolated from the maize rhizosphere at different plant growth stages,
, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1997///, Volume 63, p.4485 - 4493, (1997)
Biological phosphorus removal by pure culture of Lampropedia spp.,
, Water Research, Volume 31, Number 6, p.1317-1324, (1997)
Bivariate flow karyotyping in broad bean (Vicia faba),
, Cytometry, 1997///, Volume 28, p.236 - 242, (1997)
Characterization and imaging of saw grooved transducer acoustic field by SLAM,
, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Volume 44, Number 6, p.1232-1238, (1997)
Characterization of the sweet cherry isolate of plum pox potyvirus,
, Plant Disease, Volume 81, Number 7, p.711-714, (1997)
Chemical profiles from snow pits and shallow firn cores and snow accumulation on Campbell Glacier (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica),
, Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, 1997///, Volume 20, p.241 - 247, (1997)
Chromium(III) salts recovery process from tannery wastewaters,
, Desalination, 1997///, Volume 108, p.183 - 191, (1997)
Comparison of Derivatization Methods for the Determination of Butyl- and Phenyl-tin Compounds in Mussels by Gas Chromatography,
, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 11, Number 8, p.693-702, (1997)
Crystallization kinetics of PEO-alkaline perchlorate solutions observed by energy dispersive x-ray diffraction,
, Journal of Macromolecular Science - Physics, Volume 36, Number 5, p.629-641, (1997)
Cytogenetic effects in lymphocytes from children exposed to radiation fall-out after the Chernobyl accident,
, Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 1997///, Volume 395, p.249 - 254, (1997)
Dati preliminari sulla frequenza e distribuzione invernale di Laridae e Sternidae lungo il litorale laziale,
, Avocetta, Volume 21, p.58, (1997)
Determination of selenomethionine in wheat samples: Comparison of gas chromatography-microwave-induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry, gas chromatography-flame photometric detection and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,
, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Volume 12, Number 9, p.1041-1046, (1997)
Dispersion of passive tracers in closed basins: Beyond the diffusion coefficient,
, Physics of Fluids, Volume 9, Number 11, p.3162-3171, (1997)