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LiFSI-PYR1AFSI binary electrolyte mixtures for lithium batteries

TitoloLiFSI-PYR1AFSI binary electrolyte mixtures for lithium batteries
Tipo di pubblicazionePresentazione a Congresso
Anno di Pubblicazione2010
AutoriAppetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Carewska M., Montanino M., Alessandrini F., and Passerini S.
Conference NameECS Transactions
Conference LocationVienna
ISBN Number9781566778107
Parole chiaveBinary electrolyte, Binary mixtures, Cathodic reactions, Electrochemical investigations, Electrochemical stabilities, Electrochemistry, Electrolytes, Impurities, Impurities in, Ionic liquids, Ions, LiFSI salts, Lithium, Lithium alloys, Lithium batteries, Lithium compounds, Low temperatures, Non-volatile electrolyte, Thermal behaviors, Thermal stability, Transport properties

A physicochemical and electrochemical investigation on lithium batteries binary electrolyte mixtures, based on N-alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide ionic liquids (PYR1AFSI) and lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide (LiFSI) as salt, is presented and discussed. The melting point of PYR1AFSI decreases with the addition of LiFSI, this allowing to obtain low-temperature (-20°C) highly conductive (0.5 mScm -1) and non volatile electrolytes. The ionic transport properties were found well correlated with the thermal behavior. The incorporation of LiFSI resulted in a decreased thermal stability and the appearance of minor parasitic cathodic reactions with respect the neat PYR1AFSI materials, likely due to impurities in the LiFSI salt. Despite this issue, the electrochemical stability window was found to exceed 5 Volt. ©The Electrochemical Society.

Citation KeyAppetecchi201049