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Study of IR multiple-photon absorption (MPA) of CF<sub>3</sub>Br

TitoloStudy of IR multiple-photon absorption (MPA) of CF3Br
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione1983
AutoriBorsella, E., Masci Domenica, Capitelli M., and Dilonardo M.
RivistaChemical Physics
Paginazione401 - 408
Data di pubblicazione1983///

An extensive numerical analysis of experimental multiple-photon absorption (MPA) data on CF3Br is presented. The MPA spectra of CF3Br show several structures which have been identified as multiphoton resonances of different order and evidence has been found for the occurrence of multiphoton transitions starting from the first excited state. Different levels of approximation have been used in modelling the energy states in order to quantitatively reproduce the experimental features. The effect of rotations on the excitation spectra is discussed as well as the inclusion of a thermal distribution over the initial rotational and vibrational states. © 1983.


Cited By (since 1996): 1Export Date: 26 August 2010Source: Scopus

Citation Key515