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Sensors and chemometrics

TitoloSensors and chemometrics
Tipo di pubblicazioneMonografia
Anno di Pubblicazione2024
AutoriZaza, F.
Series TitleChemometrics: Data Treatment and Applications
Number of Pages223 – 269

Sensor technology is currently receiving strong interest for important environmental, economic, and social benefits with its introduction in different key sectors: sensor devices can be used for promoting healthcare, assessing food quality, controlling the sustainability of complex processes, monitoring the anthropic environmental impact, contributing to the feasibility of advanced technologies, such as the fuel cell and the waste-to-gas systems, preventing unsafe conditions in the workplaces, and exploring difficult areas with unmanned systems for air, land, and sea. The innovation of sensor technology can be assisted by chemometrics, which can be applied not only to improve the quality of sensor devices and optimize the efficiency of productive processes by a Quality-by-Design approach but also to support the sensor array devices for developing artificial electronic nose and tongue devices, whose outputs data can be studied only by means of multiple regression analyses. The aim of this paper is to introduce the fundamentals of chemometrics and their applications in sensor technology by illustrating key research works and confirming the power of chemometrics, which acts as a practical and effective tool for supporting the innovation of sensor technologies. © 2024 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Citation KeyZaza2024223