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Catalytic wall flow filters for the reduction of biomass boilers emissions, Stoppiello, G., Palma Valentina, Hugony F., Meloni E., and Gualtieri Maurizio , Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 37, p.19-24, (2014)
Caves and other subsurface environments in the future exploration of Mars: the absence of natural background radiation as biology concern, Fratini, Emiliano, and Amendola Roberto , Rendiconti Lincei, Jan-03-2014, Volume 25, Issue S1, p.91 - 96, (2014)
Cell detection by a microfluidic-integrated broadband biosensor, Multari, C., Ning Y., Luo X., Palego C., Denzi A., Merla Caterina, Apollonio F., Liberti M., Hwang J.C.M., and Cheng X. , Technical Proceedings of the 2014 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2014, Volume 2, p.101-104, (2014)
Ceratapion basicorne (illiger) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): biosaggi di laboratorio e campo per valutarne la specificità fisiologica come agente di controllo di Centaurea solstitialis L. (Asteraceae: Cardueae), Paolini, A., Cristofaro M., Lecce Francesca, Di Cristina F., De Biase Alessio, Belvedere S., Antonini G., Tronci Carlo, and Smith L. , Atti Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia, 05/2015, p.91-96, (2014)
Cf/C composites: Correlation between CVI process parameters and Pyrolytic Carbon microstructure, Burgio, F., Fabbri Paride, Magnani G., Scafè Matteo, Pilloni L., Brentari A., Brillante A., and Salzillo T. , Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale, Volume 30, p.68-74, (2014)
CH of masonry materials via meshless meso-modeling, Giambanco, G., E. Ribolla La Malfa, and Spada A. , Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale, Volume 8, Number 29, p.150-165, (2014)
Changes in the functional properties of a sandy loam soil amended with biosolids at different application rates, Sciubba, Luigi, Cavani L., Negroni Anna, Zanaroli G., Fava F., Ciavatta C., and Marzadori C. , Geoderma, Volume 221-222, p.40-49, (2014)
Characterisation of tissue shrinkage during microwave thermal ablation, Farina, L., Weiss N., Nissenbaum Y., Cavagnaro M., Lopresto Vanni, Pinto Rosanna, Tosoratti N., Amabile C., Cassarino S., and Goldberg S.N. , International Journal of Hyperthermia, Volume 30, Number 7, p.419-428, (2014)
Characterization of biomasses in the southern Italy regions for their use in thermal processes, Molino, Antonio, Nanna F., and Villone A. , Applied Energy, Volume 131, p.180-188, (2014)
The chimeric repressor version of an Ethylene Response Factor (ERF) family member, Sl-ERF.B3, shows contrasting effects on tomato fruit ripening., Liu, Mingchun, Diretto Gianfranco, Pirrello Julien, Roustan Jean-Paul, Li Zhengguo, Giuliano Giovanni, Regad Farid, and Bouzayen Mondher , The New phytologist, 2014 Jul, Volume 203, Number 1, p.206-18, (2014)
Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis: A Survey in Ecomondo 2014, La Monica, Marco, Cutaia Laura, and Franco S. , Symbiosis Users Network - Experiences of Industrial Symbiosis in Italy, Proceedings of conferences promoted by ENEA at Ecomondo in 2012, 2013 and 2014, 2015, 2015, Rimini, p.50–51, (2014)
Climate-human-land interactions: A review of major modelling approaches, Michetti, Melania, and Zampieri M. , Land, Volume 3, Number 3, p.793-833, (2014)
CO2 as carbon source for fuel synthesis, Barbarossa, V., Vanga G., Viscardi R., and Mirabile Gattia Daniele , Energy Procedia, Volume 45, Bologna, p.1325-1329, (2014)
Coarse sediments in Northern Apennine peat bogs and lakes: New data for the record of Holocene alluvial phases in peninsular Italy, Giraudi, C. , Holocene, Volume 24, Number 8, p.932-943, (2014)
Coexistence of nitrifying, anammox and denitrifying bacteria in a sequencing batch reactor, Langone, Michela, Yan J., Haaijer S.C.M., Camp H.J.M. Op den, Jetten M.S.M., and Andreottola G. , Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 5, Number FEB, (2014)
The coffee genome provides insight into the convergent evolution of caffeine biosynthesis., Denoeud, France, Carretero-Paulet Lorenzo, Dereeper Alexis, Droc Gaëtan, Guyot Romain, Pietrella Marco, Zheng Chunfang, Alberti Adriana, Anthony François, Aprea Giuseppe, et al. , Science (New York, N.Y.), 2014 Sep 5, Volume 345, Number 6201, p.1181-4, (2014)
The cognitive defects of neonatally irradiated mice are accompanied by changed synaptic plasticity, adult neurogenesis and neuroinflammation, Kempf, S.J., Casciati Arianna, Buratovic S., Janik D., von Toerne C., Ueffing M., Neff F., Moertl S., Stenerlöw B., Saran Anna, et al. , Molecular neurodegeneration, Volume 9, p.57, (2014)
Combating inflammaging through a Mediterranean whole diet approach: The NU-AGE project's conceptual framework and design, Santoro, Aurelia, Pini Elisa, Scurti Maria, Palmas Giustina, Berendsen Agnes, Brzozowska Anna, Pietruszka Barbara, Szczecinska Anna, Cano Noël, Meunier Nathalie, et al. , Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, Volume 136-137, p.3 – 13, (2014)
Combining life cycle assessment and qualitative risk assessment: The case study of alumina nanofluid production, Barberio, Grazia, Scalbi S., Buttol P., Masoni Paolo, and Righi S. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 496, p.122-131, (2014)
Comments on the concept of ultra-low, cryptic tropical fruit fly populations, Gutierrez, Andrew Paul, Ponti Luigi, and Gilioli Gianni , Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Volume 281, Number 1782, (2014)
Comparability of river quality assessment using macrophytes: A multi-step procedure to overcome biogeographical differences, Aguiar, F.C., Segurado P., Urbanič G., Cambra J., Chauvin C., Ciadamidaro S., Dörflinger G., Ferreira J., Germ M., Manolaki P., et al. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 476-477, p.757-767, (2014)
A comparative evaluation of biological activated carbon and activated sludge processes for the treatment of tannery wastewater, Tammaro, Marco, Salluzzo Antonio, Perfetto R., and Lancia A. , Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 2, Number 3, p.1445-1455, (2014)
Comparative evaluation of ozonation and stripping methods to treat contaminated groundwater by trichloroethylene. Assessment of effects on the other matrix components, Tammaro, Marco, Salluzzo Antonio, Romano G., and Lancia A. , Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 2, Number 2, p.943-951, (2014)
Composite anodes based on nanotube titanium oxide from electro-oxidation of Ti metal substrate, Pozio, A., Carewska M., Mura F., D'Amato R., Falconieri M., De Francesco M., and Appetecchi Giovanni Battista , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 247, p.883-889, (2014)
Controlled release from magnetoliposomes aqueous suspensions exposed to a low intensity magnetic field, Spera, R., Petralito S., Liberti M., Merla Caterina, d'Inzeo G., Pinto Rosanna, and Apollonio F. , Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 35, Number 4, p.309-312, (2014)