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Villa dei Misteri (area archeologica di Pompei): attività svolte e relazione metodologica sulle indagini diagnostiche integrative – Fase A, Clemente, Paolo, BONGIOVANNI GIOVANNI, Immordino Francesco, Candigliota Elena, Carpani Bruno, Serafini Sandro, and Paciello Antonella , (2015)
Vocs sensors based on polyaniline/graphene-nanosheets bilayer, De Maria, A., La Ferrara V., Massera E., Miglietta M.L., Di Luccio Tiziana, Fedi F., Di Francia G., and Veneri P.D. , Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 319, p.197-201, (2015)
Water driven adsorption of amino acids on the (101) anatase TiO2 surface: An ab initio study, Agosta, L., Zollo G., Arcangeli Caterina, Buonocore F., Gala F., and Celino M. , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 17, Number 3, p.1556-1561, (2015)
Wave climate analysis for the design of wave energy harvesters in the Mediterranean Sea, Arena, F., Laface V., Malara G., Romolo A., Viviano A., Fiamma V., Sannino Gianmaria, and Carillo Adriana , Renewable Energy, Volume 77, p.125-141, (2015)
Wave energy potential in the Mediterranean sea: Design and development of DSS-WebGIS “waves energy”, Pollino, Maurizio, Caiaffa E., Carillo Adriana, La Porta L., and Sannino Gianmaria , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 9157, p.495-510, (2015)
Welding of high-resilience martensitic stainless steel for hydrodynamic components in innovative seacraft: a comparison of traditional and HDE technologies, Barbieri, Giuseppe, Cognini Francesco, Moncada M., and Morabito G. , Welding International, Volume 29, Number 1, p.40-53, (2015)
Wolbachia Density and Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in Aedes albopictus: Concerns with Using Artificial Wolbachia Infection as a Vector Suppression Tool., Calvitti, Maurizio, Marini Francesca, Desiderio Angiola, Arianna Puggioli, and Moretti Riccardo , PLOS ONE, 2015, Volume 10, Number 3, p.e0121813, (2015)
Xylella fastidiosa, mosca delle olive e cinipide del castagno:prospettive di controllo biologico e rischi per la biodiversità, Ponti, Luigi, Calvitti Maurizio, Cristofaro M., Gilioli Gianni, Bongi G., and Gutierrez A.P. , Villa Fabbri, Osservatorio Regionale Umbro per la Biodiversità- Newsletter, 06/2015, Volume n. 7 Giugno 2015, p.14-19, (2015)
12 years of 7Be and 210Pb in Mt. Cimone, and their correlation with meteorological parameters, Tositti, L., Brattich E., Cinelli Giorgia, and Baldacci D. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 87, p.108-122, (2014)
137Cs vertical distribution at the deep basins of the North and Central Aegean Sea, Greece, Tsabaris, C., Zervakis V., Kaberi H., Delfanti Roberta, Georgopoulos D., Lampropoulou M., and Kalfas C.A. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 132, p.47-56, (2014)
1D velocity structure of the Po River plain (Northern Italy) assessed by combining strong motion and ambient noise data, Milana, G., Bordoni P., Cara F., Di Giulio G., Hailemikael S., and Rovelli A. , Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 12, Number 5, p.2195-2209, (2014)
The 2009 Surface and Intermediate Circulation of the Tyrrhenian Sea as Assessed by an Operational Model, Napolitano, Ernesto, Iacono Roberto, and Marullo S. , The Mediterranean Sea: Temporal Variability and Spatial Patterns, p.59-74, (2014)
The 2009 surface and intermediate circulation of the yrrhenian sea as assessed by an operational model, Napolitano, Ernesto, Iacono Roberto, and Marullo S. , Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 202, p.59-74, (2014)
Abiotic signal transduction pathways in the classical eukaryotic model system: yeast, Proietto, Marco, De Angelis L, Visca Andrea, Bianchi MM, Ballario P, and others , (2014)
Abscopal effect of radiation therapy: Interplay between radiation dose and p53 status, Strigari, L., Mancuso Mariateresa, Ubertini V., Soriani A., Giardullo Paola, Benassi M., D'Alessio D., Leonardi Simona, Soddu S., and Bossi G. , International Journal of Radiation Biology, Volume 90, Number 3, p.248-255, (2014)
An advanced ionic liquid-lithium salt electrolyte mixture based on the bis(fluoromethanesulfonyl)imide anion, Deguchi, Y., J. Moreno Serra, Panero S., Scrosati B., Ohno H., and Appetecchi Giovanni Battista , Electrochemistry Communications, Volume 43, p.5-8, (2014)
Al Vulture e al Pollino, un approccio odeporico all’osservazione della natura sulle tracce di Guelfo Cavanna, Letardi, Agostino , Natura 2000 in Basilicata: percorsi di “contaminazione” tra natura, scienza, arte e cultura dei luoghi, 05/2014, Aliano, (2014)
Alteration phenomena on surfaces of stained glasses by masters from XIII to XV century, Cruz, E.L.A., Barbier N., Bruni Stefania, Maino G., Marghella Giuseppe, Papalazarou E., and Volpe L. , Springer Proceedings in Physics, Volume 154, p.171-176, (2014)
Aluminium mass balance in waste incineration and recovery potential from the bottom ash: A case study, Biganzoli, L., Grosso M., and Forte Federica , Waste and Biomass Valorization, Volume 5, Number 1, p.139-145, (2014)
Ambient vibration analysis for the characterization of soil and coverings of Villa dei Misteri in Pompeii, Bergamasco, I., BONGIOVANNI GIOVANNI, Carpani Bruno, Clemente P., Paciello A., and Serafini S. , Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, (2014)
Ambient vibration analysis of the aureliana column, Bongiovanni, Giovanni, Buffarini Giacomo, Clemente Paolo, and Saitta Fernando , NCEE 2014 - 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering, (2014)
The amorphous Zn biomineralization at Naracauli stream, Sardinia: Electron microscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy, Medas, D., Lattanzi P., Podda F., Meneghini C., Trapananti A., Sprocati A.R., Casu M.A., Musu E., and De Giudici G. , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 21, Number 11, p.6775-6782, (2014)
An anaerobic side-stream reactor in wastewater treatment: A review, Ferrentino, R., Langone Michela, Andreottola G., and Rada E.C. , WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 191, p.1435-1446, (2014)
Analyses and measures of GPR signal with superimposed noise, Chicarella, S., Ferrara V., D'Atanasio Paolo, Frezza F., Pajewski L., Pavoncello S., Prontera S., and Tedeschi N. , EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Volume 16, p.5387, (2014)
Analysis of invasive insects: Links to climate change, Ponti, Luigi , Invasive Species and Global Climate Change, (2014)