Progetto IJERA
Integrating Jordan into the European Research Area
The IJERA project is aiming at strengthening capacities of the Environment Monitoring and Research Central Unit at The Royal Scientific Society (EMARCU/RSS) in Jordan while realizing it as an international centre of excellence, and reinforcing the cooperation capacities and research activities in Jordan's water sector by defining water research priorities to respond to socio-economic needs, facilitating participation in European water research initiatives and inclusion in Euro-Mediterranean Research and Innovation Area. The specific objectives of IJERA project are: ?EMARCU's Cooperation Capacities Reinforcement, ? Water-Related Research Results Dissemination, ? Internationalization and Coordination between Research and Business Sectors,? Enhancement of EU-Jordan S&T Partnerships in Water Research,Capacity Building for Solving Specific Water Issues,? EMARCU's Strengthening,Setting Up Jordan's Environmental NCP The project thus addresses current Work Programme for International Cooperation to reinforce the cooperation capacities of research centres located in the ENP countries and contributes to the European international co-operation in science and technology strategy implementation, while strengthening the international dimension of the ERA and improving the framework conditions for international S&T cooperation. The main impact of IJERA will be increased capacities of the EMARCU centre and the structuring and enhancement of the existing EU-JO support landscape in the domain of Water S&T cooperation through a threefold way: (i) by supporting the participation of Jordan in the FP7 in water research area, (ii) knitting together all relevant support schemes, and (iii) facilitating both the uptake of common identified water research areas and the monitoring of the performance and impacts of this cooperation. The IJERA consortium brings together 4 Jordanian and EU organisations representing a well-defined mix of competencies and expertise.'