Laura Cutaia
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Analisi dei flussi e studio dei mercati reali e finanziari delle materie prime presenti negli autoveicoli elettrici e nelle colonnine di ricarica,
, Report Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico , Number RdS/PAR2016/247, Roma, (2017)
Economia circolare in Emilia-Romagna: L’Esperienza del Progetto “Green – Simbiosi Industriale,
, L'Astrolabio, Issue 119, Number 119, Roma, (2017)
The FOOD CROSSING DISTRICT Project: Industrial Symbiosis for the agrofood sector in the Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy,
, 10, (2017)
Il ruolo dell'economia,
, La sostenibilità ambientale. Un manuale per prendere buone decisioni Aggiornamento 2017, Roma, p.79–93, (2017)
Industrial Symbiosis Network in Umbria, Italy,
, First SUN Conference, October 25th 2017, 2017, Roma, p.24–25, (2017)
L’impresa della porta accanto,
, L’Astrolabio, Issue 115, Number 115, Roma, (2017)
La Prima Piattaforma Italiana per la Simbiosi Industriale,
, L’Astrolabio, Issue 114, Number 114, Roma, (2017)
Sharing economy and circular economy. How technology and collaborative consumption innovations boost closing the loop strategies,
, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 16, Number 8, p.1797-1806, (2017)
Valutazione dei materiali critici negli scenari di elettrificazione della mobilità urbana,
, Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico, Number RdS/PAR2016/246, Roma, (2017)
L'economia circolare per il contenimento delle emissioni di gas serra,
, Energia Ambiente e Innovazione, Issue 1, Number 1, p.46–49, (2016)
Potential Improvement of the Methodology for Industrial Symbiosis Implementation at Regional Scale,
, Waste and Biomass Valorization, Volume 7, Number 4, p.1007-1015, (2016)
Project green symbiosis 2014 - II phase: results from an industrial symbiosis pilot project in Emilia Romagna region (Italy),
, Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ), Volume 15, Issue 9, Number 9, p.1949–1961, (2016)
The experience of the first industrial symbiosis platform in Italy,
, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 14, Issue 7, Number 7, p.1521-1533, (2015)
Il ruolo dell'economia: approcci e modelli di governance dell'ambiente,
, Sostenibilità Ambientale. Un manuale per prendere buone decisioni, Roma, p.519–542, (2015)
Recovery of waste streams from agroindustry through industrial symbiosis in Sicilia,
, LCA for feeding the planet and energy for life, International conference on Life Cycle Assessment as reference methodology for assessing supply chains and supporting global sustainability challenges, Stresa, p.352–355, (2015)
A systematic methodology for industrial symbiosis approach development at a regional scale,
, International Conference Industrial Waste & Wastewater Treatment & Valorisation (IWWATAV), Athens, p.1-7, (2015)
Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis: A Survey in Ecomondo 2014,
, Symbiosis Users Network - Experiences of Industrial Symbiosis in Italy, Proceedings of conferences promoted by ENEA at Ecomondo in 2012, 2013 and 2014, 2015, 2015, Rimini, p.50–51, (2014)
The industrial symbiosis as an application of circular economy in agriculture.,
, Agriregionieuropa, Volume 10, Number 39, (2014)
La simbiosi industriale come applicazione dell'economia circolare in agricoltura,
, Agriregionieuropa, Volume 10, Number 2, p.64–67, (2014)
La simbiosi industriale come applicazione delleconomia circolare in agricoltura,
, Agriregionieuropa, Volume 10, Number 2, p.64–67, (2014)
La simbiosi industriale come modello per lo sviluppo sostenibile dei sistemi economici territoriali,
, XXVI Convegno annuale di Sinergie “Manifattura: quale futuro?", Cassino, p.151–164, (2014)