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Produzione scientifica

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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Pressure effects  [Clear All Filters]
Presureless sintering and properties of αSiC-B4C composite, Magnani, G., Beltrami G., Minoccari G.L., and Pilotti L. , Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 21, Number 5, p.633-638, (2001)
Alumina sputtered on MANET as an effective deuterium permeation barrier, Serra, Emanuele, Kelly P.J., Ross D.K., and Arnell R.D. , Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 257, Number 2, p.194-198, (1998)
Influence of the surface conditions on permeation in the deuterium-MANET system, Serra, Emanuele, and Perujo A. , Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 240, Number 3, p.215-220, (1997)