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Production of vanillin from wheat bran hydrolyzates via microbial bioconversion, Di Gioia, D., Sciubba Luigi, Ruzzi M., Setti L., and Fava F. , Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Volume 84, Number 10, p.1441-1448, (2009)
Pseudoenzymatic dealkylation of alkyltins by biological dithiols, Porcelli, F., Triggiani Doriana, Buck-Koehntop B.A., Masterson L.R., and Veglia G. , Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 14, Number 8, p.1219-1225, (2009)
Quantitative assessment of dielectric parameters for membrane lipid bi-layers from rf permittivity measurements, Merla, Caterina, Liberti M., Apollonio F., and d'Inzeo G. , Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 30, Number 4, p.286-298, (2009)
Strawberry proteome characterization and its regulation during fruit ripening and in different genotypes, Bianco, L., Lopez L., Scalone Anna Grazia, Di Carli Mariasole, Desiderio Angiola, Benvenuto Eugenio, and Perrotta Gaetano , Journal of Proteomics, 2009, Volume 72, p.586 - 607, (2009)
The structural role of the zinc ion can be dispensable in prokaryotic zinc-finger domains, Baglivo, I., Russo L., Esposito S., Malgieri G., Renda M., Salluzzo Antonio, Di Blasio B., Isernia C., Fattorusso R., and Pedone P.V. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 106, Number 17, p.6933-6938, (2009)
Sustainable power production in a membrane-less and mediator-less synthetic wastewater microbial fuel cell, Aldrovandi, A., Marsili E., Stante Loredana, Paganin P., Tabacchioni Silvia, and Giordano A. , Bioresource Technology, Volume 100, Number 13, p.3252-3260, (2009)
Technical and Non-Technical Measures for air pollution emission reduction: The integrated assessment of the regional Air Quality Management Plans through the Italian national model, D'Elia, Ilaria, Bencardino M., Ciancarella Luisella, Contaldi M., and Vialetto G. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 43, Number 39, p.6182-6189, (2009)
Transcriptional profiling in response to terminal drought stress reveals differential responses along the wheat genome, Aprile, A., Mastrangelo A.M., De Leonardis A.M., Galiba G., Roncaglia E., Ferrari F., De Bellis L., Turchi L., Giuliano Giovanni, and Cattivelli L. , BMC Genomics, Volume 10, (2009)
Winter fine particulate matter from Milan induces morphological and functional alterations in human pulmonary epithelial cells (A549), Gualtieri, Maurizio, Mantecca P., Corvaja V., Longhin E., Perrone M.G., Bolzacchini E., and Camatini M. , Toxicology Letters, Volume 188, Number 1, p.52-62, (2009)
137Cs baseline levels in the Mediterranean and Black Sea: A cross-basin survey of the CIESM Mediterranean Mussel Watch programme, Thébault, H., Rodriguez y Baena A.M., Andral B., Barisic D., Albaladejo J.B., Bologa A.S., Boudjenoun R., Delfanti Roberta, Egorov V.N., T. Khoukhi El, et al. , Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 57, Number 6-12, p.801-806, (2008)
Ab initio calculations of electron affinity and ionization potential of carbon nanotubes, Buonocore, F., Trani F., Ninno D., Di Matteo A., Cantele G., and Iadonisi G. , Nanotechnology, Volume 19, Number 2, (2008)
Activation of p53-dependent responses in tumor cells treated with a PARC-interacting peptide, Vitali, Roberta, Cesi Vincenzo, Tanno Barbara, Ferrari-Amorotti G., Dominici C., Calabretta B., and Raschellà Giuseppe , Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 368, Number 2, p.350-356, (2008)
Air pollution impact assessment on agroecosystem and human health characterisation in the area surrounding the industrial settlement of Milazzo (Italy): A multidisciplinary approach, Triolo, L., Binazzi A., Cagnetti P., Carconi P., Correnti A., De Luca E., Bonito R., Grandoni G., Mastrantonio Marina, Rosa S., et al. , Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 140, Number 1-3, p.191-209, (2008)
Antitumor activity of DNA vaccines based on the human papillomavirus-16 E7 protein genetically fused to a plant virus coat protein, Massa, Silvia, Simeone P., Muller A., Benvenuto Eugenio, Venuti A., and Franconi Rosella , Human Gene Therapy, Volume 19, Number 4, p.354-364, (2008)
Asbestos related diseases in Italy: An integrated approach to identify unexpected professional or environmental exposure risks at municipal level, Marinaccio, A., Scarselli A., Binazzi A., Altavista P., Belli S., Mastrantonio Marina, Pasetto R., Uccelli Raffaella, and Comba P. , International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Volume 81, Number 8, p.993-1001, (2008)
Assessment of the effects of soil PAH accumulation by a battery of ecotoxicological tests, Manzo, Sonia, De Nicola F., F. Picione De Luca, Maisto G., and Alfani A. , Chemosphere, Volume 71, Number 10, p.1937-1944, (2008)
Chemical composition of wet and dry atmospheric depositions in an urban environment: Local, regional and long-range influences, Morselli, L., Bernardi E., Vassura I., Passarini F., and Tesini E. , Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, Volume 59, Number 3, p.151-170, (2008)
Clinical significance of CXC chemokine receptor-4 and c-Met in childhood rhabdomyosarcoma, Diomedi-Camassei, F., McDowell H.P., De loris M.A., Uccini S., Altavista P., Raschellà G., Vitali Roberta, Mannarino O., De Sio L., Cozzi D.A., et al. , Clinical Cancer Research, Volume 14, Number 13, p.4119-4127, (2008)
A comprehensive performance evaluation of the air quality model BOLCHEM to reproduce the ozone concentrations over Italy, Mircea, Mihaela, D'Isidoro Massimo, Maurizi A., Vitali Lina, Monforti F., Zanini Gabriele, and Tampieri F. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 42, Number 5, p.1169-1185, (2008)
Contribution of unburned lubricating oil and gasoline-derived n-alkanes to particulate emission from non-catalyst and catalyst-equipped two-stroke mopeds operated with synthetic lubricating oil, Spezzano, Pasquale, Picini P., and Cataldi D. , Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Volume 10, Number 10, p.1202-1210, (2008)
Diurnal and circadian rhythms in the tomato transcriptome and their modulation by cryptochrome photoreceptors, Facella, P., Lopez L., Carbone F., Galbraith D.W., Giuliano Giovanni, and Perrotta Gaetano , PLoS ONE, Volume 3, Number 7, (2008)
A divergent role for estrogen receptor-beta in node-positive and node-negative breast cancer classified according to molecular subtypes: An observational prospective study, Novelli, Flavia, Milella M., Melucci E., Di Benedetto A., Sperduti I., Perrone-Donnorso R., Perracchio L., Venturo I., Nisticò C., Fabi A., et al. , Breast Cancer Research, Volume 10, Number 5, (2008)
Effects of GSM-modulated radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on mouse bone marrow cells, Prisco, M.G., Nasta F., Rosado M.M., Lovisolo G.A., Marino Carmela, and Pioli Claudio , Radiation Research, Volume 170, Number 6, p.803-810, (2008)
Genetic Background Modulates Gene Expression Profile Induced by Skin Irradiation in Ptch1 Mice, Galvan, A., Noci S., Mancuso Mariateresa, Pazzaglia Simonetta, Saran Anna, and Dragani T.A. , International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, Volume 72, Number 5, p.1582-1586, (2008)
The human immunodeficiency virus antigen Nef forms protein bodies in leaves of transgenic tobacco when fused to zeolin, De Virgilio, M., De Marchis F., Bellucci M., Mainieri D., Rossi M., Benvenuto Eugenio, Arcioni S., and Vitale A. , Journal of Experimental Botany, 2008, Volume 59, p.2815 - 2829, (2008)