Produzione scientifica
Found 9 results
Filtri: Autore is Montanari, R. [Clear All Filters]
Process Optimization in Laser Welding of IN792 DS Superalloy,
, Metals, Volume 14, Number 1, (2024)
High Energy Density Welding of IN792 DS Superalloy,
, Key Engineering Materials, Volume 966, p.31-36, (2023)
Effect of heat treatments on TiH2: Surface composition and hydrogen release,
, Materials Science Forum, Volume 879, p.2032-2037, (2017)
IN792 DS superalloy: Optimization of EB welding and post-welding heat treatments,
, Materials Science Forum, Volume 879, p.175-180, (2017)
Welding of IN792 DS superalloy by high energy density techniques,
, Materials Science Forum, Volume 884, p.166-177, (2017)
Investigation of skin-core joints in aluminium foam sandwich panels by EDS and XPS,
, Surface and Interface Analysis, Volume 48, Number 7, p.479-482, (2016)
Welding of IN792 DS superalloy by electron beam,
, Surface and Interface Analysis, Volume 48, Number 7, p.483-487, (2016)
Influence of welding parameters on microstructure of welded joints SMAW/GTAW steel X10 CrMoVNb 9-1 (P91) [Influenza dei parametri di saldatura sulla microstruttura di giunti saldati SMAW/GTAW di acciaio X 10 CrMoVNb 9-1 (P91)],
, Metallurgia Italiana, Volume 107, Number 3, p.37-45, (2015)
Roduction and characterization of steel sandwich structures with aluminum foam core [Realizzazione e caratterizzazione di strutture sandwich di acciaio con core in schiuma di Al],
, Metallurgia Italiana, Volume 107, Number 2, p.3-10, (2015)