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Expert knowledge-based methodology for land degradation risk evaluation

TitoloExpert knowledge-based methodology for land degradation risk evaluation
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2008
AutoriColonna, Nicola, Lupia F., and Iannetta Massimo
RivistaItalian Journal of Agronomy

In the framework of European IMAGE project, a methodology for land degradation risk assessment has been defined in order to evaluate both the current risks and, on the basis of hypothetical scenarios, the expected risks for the year 2020. The methodology has been applied to the Ofanto river basin which has an extension of about 2700 square km, evaluating four main risk typologies: land desertification, soil sealing, water degradation and soil erosion. The pilot area is a representative site for the Mediterranean conditions. In particular, during the last fifty years, the area has undergone relevant land use changes with land abandonment in the marginal areas and agricultural intensifications of plain zones. Taking into account the pressure of agricultural activities and the conflict for water exploitation between the different irrigated districts, the assessment of the main risks affecting the area is particularly valuable; it can represent a starting point for supporting policy makers throughout the decision process both about the allocation of water resources and about conservative land resources management. © 2008, Page Press Publications. All rights reserved.


cited By 0; Conference of 10th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, 2008 ; Conference Date: 15 September 2008 Through 19 September 2008; Conference Code:159569

Citation KeyColonna2008609