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Traffic-induced vibrations in historical buildings

TitoloTraffic-induced vibrations in historical buildings
Tipo di pubblicazionePresentazione a Congresso
Anno di Pubblicazione2011
AutoriBongiovanni, Giovanni, Clemente Paolo, Rinaldis D., and Saitta Fernando
Conference NameProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2011
EditoreUniversity of Southampton, Institute of Sound Vibration and Research
ISBN Number9789076019314
Parole chiaveAncient buildings, Damage evaluation, Dynamic behaviors, Experimental dynamics, Experimental modal analysis, Historic preservation, Historical buildings, Low-level vibration, Modal analysis, Structural dynamics, Traffic induced vibrations, Vibrations (mechanical)

This paper resumes some experiences in the field of the experimental dynamic characterization of historical buildings made by ENEA in the last decades. Indeed, traffic-induced vibrations could be very dangerous for ancient buildings even in the case of low-level vibration amplitude, due to the long-time exposure of the constructions to these cyclic loads. Thus, experimental dynamic methodologies allow us to define the dynamic behavior of the structure and will permit damage evaluation by monitoring the changes in dynamic properties. The role of the underground conditions on the dynamic response of the monuments is also highlighted in the case of the Lateran Obelisk.

Citation KeyBongiovanni2011812